as one door closes, another one...

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N: Omg! What are you doing here?

W: Surpriseeee!

N: Omg! – I jumped into his embrace as he lifted me up, spinning us around while hugging tightly.

N: When did you get back? - we stopped spinning but, still holding on to each other, my feet far from touching the floor.

W: Now.

We couldn't stop smiling. I pushed my lips to his, eager to touch him and kiss him and love him... just have him crawl into my skin. I was so over-ecstatically happy to see him it hurt physically. 

N: Omg. I thought you weren't getting in until tomorrow night – smiled even wider

W: Want me to go back? - he teased

N: Nooooo. Ass. - we both laughed as we hugged again tightly

W: I missed you so much

N: I missed you too - we kissed as we parted and he put me down.

Oh! How I had missed him. Who knew a week without him would feel like a month. Oh yes, I knew. But, still...  He had been to Cyprus with the boys for a week. A long week. 

As I had taken the job at the Henie Onstad museum my summer was pretty much mapped out. There wasn't much free time or vacation besides some weekends. We knew that would be the case when accepting the job, but still, it sucked. We tried to make up for it on the weekends that I didn't work. I never worked on Sundays so that's still our holy day. :) Even though all year you are waiting for summer and particularly maybe summer holiday so you can spend more time together, sleep longer in the morning, have breakfast in bed, travel abroad together and we didn't get to do that this summer. I loved my job and the people and everything I learned this summer, but it sucked that it had to be at the cost of spending time with my favorite person on the planet. <3

William, on the other hand, was on vacation and a very well-deserved vacation. He had gotten straight A's on all his exam this semester and is nailing law as he likes to put it. I tease him that he is either nailing the law or breaking the law. There is no in between with him. :)

He had been such a great sport and always made sure that I do not feel any guilt about this. This was my dream and I got the chance to live it out, I should never feel guilty for that. He was a great house-husband hehe, always had something going on and plans for us after I got home from work. But when the old Penetrators crew started talking about going away on a boys trip at a barbeque at Eiriks house I thought it was a great idea. As much as I knew I would miss him I knew he needed (and deserved) a real break. Even from me. 

W: So when do you get off?

N: Ehm.. 4 PM.

W: - looked at his watch - Okay... maybe I'll go home, unpack

N: Wh... you haven't been home yet?

W: No. - he said as if it was the most natural thing - I came straight here from the airport.

N: You are just unbelievable - I smiled wider and kissed him again.

W: I couldn't be on Norwegian soil again and not see my baby first.

N: Aww - I was actually blushing a little. I mean I am totally comfortable with him but, sometimes when he looks at me a certain way, or says so honest things or goes away for a week I can feel the tensional sparks and butterflies and he can even make me blush.

It's like the love keeps me on my toes all the time, or he does. :)

He came back and picked me up around 4 PM and since we were in Bærum anyway we decided to eat at Strand restaurant. One of our favorite restaurants by the ocean in the Oslo area.

He talked about his trip and the boys. I talked about my job and seeing all my friends this week. Since I am working and all free time is spent with him, I took advantage this week when he was gone and saw them all. One friend per day haha. Plus girls night at my place with the squad. A joy. <3 We knew all that went down during the week in each our lives because we had been Face-timing, texting and sending snaps, pics, and videos to each other several times a day during the week. But it was nice to take it again in person with the personal touches to every story and event that a camera cant capture.

I knew I had to tell him my news... soon but, I didn't know where or even how to start. His reaction could go both ways though my gut was telling me he wouldn't be exactly as excited as I was about this. Far from it. At the same time he is always telling me and supporting me in following my dreams. 

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