Someone to stay

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We keep this love in a photograph We made these memories for ourselves Where our eyes are never closing Hearts are never broken And time's forever frozen still...

N: This is so embarrassing

W: Shh... you'll have your cheezy moment. This is mine. 

And he kept singing into my ear as we were holding tight around each other while moving lightly in a circle. We were dancing in the middle of the Gardermoen airport.

So you can keep me Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans Holding me closer 'til our eyes meet You won't ever be alone, wait for me to come home

It was a beautiful goodbye. The whole past month has been like pages of a beautiful goodbye letter. We defined early where we stood which relieved the pressure of the "relationship". Also, the fact that we knew all along that there would be an end to it in a month helped to live and breath every moment we had together to the fullest. 

I have been offered a job at a gallery in Madrid. It was an opportunity I couldn't pass.  So I came to Oslo a month ago to have my gallery display and gather my stuff, in that time I also managed to have the time of my life with the boy of my life. 

W: This should be easier right? - we were holding around each other

N: Why?

W: I don't know... We knew this day was coming a month ago, and still, I feel like someone is sawing off a body limb of mine.

N: I think its as hard as it should be. 

W: Anything else would be unjust right? - he joked

N: It would be unfair to the institution of love - I smiled matter-of-factly

We smiled and hugged again.

W: Maybe I can come to visit? 

N: No William. We can't do that. We can't be a status quo. 

W: I know

N: You have to let go.

W: I know.

N: Let me go - I said quietly. My words barely heard over the lump in my throat that was going to explode any minute and make me change my mind about everything.

W: I cant.

N: Let me go - Tears were running down my cheeks now. He was right, it felt like someone was sawing off a body limb of my body. 

But I was strong and standing my ground in our decision. We have talked about this back and forth the past month and every time came to the same conclusion. We have to chase our dreams. And in the end, when we have chased them down and hopefully fulfilled them if we are still on the same page we'll find back to each other. 

He was looking at me passively for a minute

W: I love you.

I smiled. I was relieved, happy, embarrassed all in one, by his confession. These were words I hadn't heard in a long time. And they were music to my ears even if they were breaking my heart at the same time. 

N: Just not enough to be with me.

W: I am sorry

N: It's ok. I'll love you for the both of us.

I smiled lightly, got up on my tiptoes and kissed him with all the force and passion I had in me. God knows if I'll ever have the chance to kiss those lips again.

A giant pile of steal flew me up into the sky and away from him. 

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