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W: Hello!

N: Hey how are you? How was Atlanta?

I met William in the hallway. I knew he was back from the States and I also knew he was in the building today. I now get all info when and where Kristian and he are and when they are at our hotel.

We waved at each other in the breakfast briefing this morning but, I had to rush to another meeting before it ended so didn't get a chance to talk.

W: Good, busy. How are things here?

N: Good. I was just in a meeting where your name was mentioned.

W: Really? In what context?

N: That you are great to work with. Business is going smoothly mainly because you are easy and open to the collaboration while your partner.

W: Oh! Kristian is great he just...

N: Is a little absent?

W: I know. He doesn't like the business side of this.

N: Doesn't like the business side? - I said unbelievably. ,,He is the CEO" I thought to myself ,,he has to do his job no matter if he likes it or not, or appoint another CEO for his company" - William. I am saying this as a friend, get him on track otherwise, people will start pulling out of the project. Because they are already talking.

W: I will talk to him. Thanks!

N: So how are the preps for the opening going?

W: Good. I feel like we have been in this bubble for months it will be good to get it out there see what kind of response it gets.

N: I am sure it will be great.

W: Yeah thanks for the PR btw. It wouldn't be half of what it is without that.

N: Of course that's my job. 

The elevator pinged my floor and I got in

N: This is me. - turn to him one more time - Take my advice on this

He put his hand between the doors closing

N: Oh!

The doors opened fully and he got into the elevator

W: Where are you going now?

N: Office.

W: You busy?

N: Yeah I have a conference call in 15 why?

W: Just wanted to see if you wanted to have lunch.

N: Sorry. Take a rain check?

W: Sure.

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