Leave a light on

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A few days later I am rushing through the hallway to Nooras office to get some files from her. I haven't seen her since I walked out on her. It might have been an overreaction on my part, but she had no right to speak to me the way she did. I am alright with the fact of having to chase her to win her over. I have done it before. I should have a gold medal for it by now. But that doesn't mean she can walk all over me and talk to me the way she did. 

As I round the corner I spot her talking to someone. 

"Ah, just who I need. In all aspects. Oh, shut it, William" 

W: Hey! Noora! - I call out her name as she is about to head in another direction. 

N: Hey... aren't you suppose to meet with the Boss people? - she asks me as she looks at her wrist watch. I have approached her by now

W: They pushed the meeting to 12:30.

N: Ahh. So typical of them. They do it all the time.

W: Yeah. Simon says he believes its a prevailing-technique

N: I wouldn't put it past them.

W: Yeah. Hey, listen I just wanted to check with you about the Lizzard account. Is that still a focal point in relation to Boss. I mean what are their numbers like?

N: Its worse than last year. But not critical. The whole thing with the change in management set them back but, like said it's not critical. And we do great business with them so I don't want to cut them off that easily. So use them with Boss for sure. If they give you a hard time about them just go with the seven years of progress cant be overlooked for one year's bad numbers. And like said the new management just got started so in a three months time I am sure they will be back on track. 

W: Ok. But you are on top of that?

N: Yes. For sure. And Lily's on the numbers. So we got four eyes there. 

W: Could you email me the numbers just so I have them in front of me?

N: Yeah. Sure. 

She starts fiddling with her phone to email me. Suddenly she stops and freezes. I catch the caller ID. Charles. She is just standing looking at it, even after it stops ringing.

W: Are you ok?

No response.

W: Noora?

N: Hmm?

W: Everything alright?

N: Yeah yeah. Look just trust me on this. Good luck.

And she was off, totally disoriented and lost. She didn't even send me the numbers. 

W: I will. Thanks - said to myself because she was long gone. What the hell was that? Who is Charles? 

After the meeting where I was semi-present, luckily Kristian and Levi were in full gear, I went to my office and tried calling Noora. I go straight to voicemail. Shit. I try calling Eva. She doesn't pick up. I text her "Who is Charles?". No response. Even though I see she has read the msg. 

I am getting desperate. What is going on? It wouldn't have this much of a fuss if it wasn't for Nooras total out-of-place reaction when she saw her called-ID. I was going back and forth in my office contemplating what to do. I really didn't want to ask Simon but, it seems like I had no other option because I sure wasn't letting it go that easily. Before going up to Simon I stopped by her office, just in case, but as expected Luce says she left for the day and said no calls, please.

I knock on Simons office door.

W: Hey. Got a minute.

S: Sure

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