careful where you thread...

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It's been four great weeks of the no-strings-attached thingy between William and me. We have been spending a lot of time together as we see each other both at work and outside. And there have been many hours together doing various things off-work. A thing we have is we go out for walks in the evening (like a true old married couple haha). It's great to clear our minds, talk and get in a workout. We have a few standard routes that we stick to. We have also been out dining, to football games, attended seminars, a book reading, and a hotel opening. I love spending time with him and talking to him, sharing ideas and talking about our days. I also love the physical part with him, which is as always, amazing. 

One evening I am having a presentation at a conference held at the hotel, he walks in at the end of my speech and we meet up later. 

N: What are you doing here? Thinking about learning how to brand our restaurant and bar?

W: I might. You should watch out for your job.

I chuckled. 

N: Seriously what are you doing here this late?

W: I took a client out then brought her here to have a workout... you know to really feel FitLit.

N: Aaa - I felt a pang of jealousy. I don't know why.

W: What?

N: Nothing - I was collecting my papers in folders, putting my iPad in my purse.

W: Come on... what's up?

N: I was just thinking... she must be quite an important client to run this late.

He was looking strangely at me, with a hint of a smile spreading across his face. 

W: She is my favorite client. 

I gave him a quick, stern look. He held a vicious smile on his lips.

N: That's great - I started walking away

W: Are you jealous?

N: Please... 

W: Let's go have a drink - he smiled and gave me a smirk. We were now walking together towards the entrance door

N: No

W: Why not?

N: It's late. And I don't feel like having a drink

W: Come on... the client was Mrs. Rowling. I was just teasing you. 

I stopped a little and gave him another look, a much more calm and relaxed one. He smiled charmingly. I couldn't hide my smile. 

W: Come on... I want to have a drink and a couple of laughs with you. I had a boring day and just need your company for 20 minutes.

N: Just 20 minutes ha? - I teased him now. He was adorable, standing there almost begging me. I kinda liked it even though I knew it was cruel of me. 

W: That's all I need. To make my day. 20 minutes of Noora.

N: Okay... let us have a drink and some laughs.

W: You are cute when you are jealous - he said later during dinner... the drinks turned into a late late dinner. 

N: I am not jealous. - I said, not even I was believing the words.

W: Okay.

N: I am not jealous - calmly

W: Fine. - he said smiling, still not believing me I don't blame him.

W: You want to go away for the weekend? - he asked as he later followed me to a taxi

N: Where?

W: I was thinking about Barcelona.

N: Barcelona?

W: Yeah. There is the Cord seminar we could attend. There is also a Luis concert. And there is always football at the Camp Nou. We could check into a hotel, have tapas and drink cava to the glorious sunsets.

N: But a whole weekend together?

W: We see each other all the time as it is. I don't think a weekend together will be much different. And you can always go and do other things if you need alone time. It's Barcelona baby.

N: You are right. And it is getting chilly here.

W: I tell you

N: Let's do Barcelona then. 

W: Great. 

We smiled and kissed good night. 

I guess we are going to Barcelona. Together. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2019 ⏰

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