Morning glory

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Four years later...

N: Good morning Luce, slept well?

L: Yes. But the guilt comes now when knowing I was still in bed while you sat in your first meeting of the day

I laughed. She was sweet. And funny. 

L: That's why you are the PR manager and I am your secretary.

N: Oh Luce. We all gotta start somewhere. - I smiled at her - But, how does my day look. Besides the meeting with Kristian Kearney at 1 that I just got confirmed. By the way could you please find me the files for that before the meeting.

L: Sure. Ehh you have office time til 11:30, then a brunch-meeting with Joss, which they have moved...

N: No! Where?

L: Samson cafe. That's a 5-minute cab ride from here.

N: Oh ok... can you inform Simon and Krish and say I will come as soon as I can. 1:10 at the latest.

L: Ok. Anything else?

N: No just the files for the 1 PM meeting. And also the files for the Leslie-law suit.

L: Ok. They'll be on your Mac in 2. Coffee?

N: Please. And cucumber water and a sea salt-blueberry bar.

L: Be right there.

N: Thanks Luce.

She went to the kitchen and I headed to my office.

The 1 PM meeting with Kristian Kearney is an important one. He is an athlete turned businessman who wants to open a spa-wellness-fitness facility at our hotel. We have been looking into doing something like that for a while. So when my boss Simon came to me two weeks ago with the concrete idea that Mr. Kearney has I wanted to check it out further. I think it's a great idea and what more its an already developed idea so we just have to accept and let them do their thing. Almost. The values and standards of the facility have to qualify for our hotel and that's why we are having a meeting today to discuss the logistics, esthetics, and economics of it all. 

A text from Meghan peeks in my inbox

M: "Girly, want to have dinner tonight? I got gossip. And I need Noora advice ASAP!"

N: "Haha. YES! Around 7 at TheChap?"

M: "Oh great suggestion. :*"

Later in the day, I was rushing back to our 1 PM meeting. I was only five minutes late but the boys have been there from 10 to 1 so I have kept them waiting long enough.

N: Hi everyone... sorry I am late - said as I walked in and closed the door behind me - I had ano...

N: Hiiii - all breath left my body

W: Hey you!

He was goof smiling from ear to ear, I was still in a state of shock but my lips started slowly moving upwards into a smile. He got up and came over for a hug. A light, friendly hug.

N: What are you doing here?

W: I have a business meeting. You? - he joked

Simon: Noora... William is Kristians' business partner, meet Kristian Kearney - he pointed to the young man sitting beside where we stood - Hi, Noora Sætre PR manager at the hotel - I reached out my hand, still all flushed and out of place - Kristian Kearney CEO of FitLit - we shook hands

N: Nice to meet you. I am sorry. I am much more composed and professional. I was just a bit overthrown here - I looked at William, we were still smiling at each other  - I never thought I would run into William at my workplace.

K: It is ok. William just told us about you.

N: When did you find out it was me? -turned to him

W: This morning when Simon sent out the confirmation for this meeting.

N: Omg.

W: Yeah. That was my reaction too. So I called Simon to doublecheck and yeah it was in fact you.

N: Amazing.

W: Right - we were smiling at each other.

Not in a million years would I ever guess I would meet William Magnusson again at a business meeting where we would discuss our further collaboration. Life is funny in so many ways.

We got back into a business mood and drew up a plan, with the three other gentlemen present in the room, for our collaboration.

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