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Its been two weeks since our talk and confessions and rejections and things are normalizing themselves between the two of us. We haven't spent that much time together off work, I have tried and called and invited him to things but he says no every time, he is busy. I give him his space, I understand that he is hurt and needs time to get back to normal with me, back to the friends part. Yesterday we sealed an important deal for the hotel and their facility so we went out to celebrate, both teams and he came to sit beside me and we spent the night joking and laughing. So I have a feeling it's all good now, he just had to lick his wounds. 

Two days later we have a lunch meeting in the hotel restaurant. He is heavy flirting with the lady in the meeting. I am confused if it's real or a business strategy. Either way, it stings. I keep telling myself to ignore it both the scenario in front of me and the uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach but, its easier said than done. 

When we are on our way upstairs to our offices

N: You really laid it thick with the flirting

W: Its good for business.

I raised an eyebrow

W: And she was cute.


N: That's nice. But maybe next time arrange the meeting just the two of you, so the rest of us don't have to sit around and watch you two have eye sex.

W: - surprised - Wh... - laughed a little. Then gave me a serious look - Are you jealous?

N: William, please. Let's not forget who is chasing who here.

W: That's why I don't understand the reaction.

N: There is nothing to understand. Business is business. What you do in your personal life in your private time I really don't care.

W: You are acting like a jealous girlfriend or my boss. And you are neither so... I am gonna forget that this conversation took place and... go. 

And he was off. 

Oh. That was new. We definitely aren't in HS anymore. I can't just reject him and still expect him to be at my beck-and-call. This is a new time. We are adults that have lived a life and taken lessons from that life. One of them maybe being to not let people walk all over you, no matter how much you care or love them. I had no right to act like I did. I knew that. But, it is all I got. I can't tell him the truth and I can't be with him. But I really don't need to hurt him in the process. Mental note to self: Be nicer to William. No jealousy.  :)

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