What once was will never be again...

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S: Hello. Williams phone. Sara speaking.

N: Ehm... Hi. Is... Is William there?

S: Just a sec 

    - WILLIAM PHONE FOR YOU  - I heard her shout.

    - W: TAKE A MESSAGE  - He shouted back so loud it could clearly be heard on the other end.

S: He is a little busy. Can I take a message?

N: Can you tell him its Noora. - My frustration building up.

S: Oh. Sorry. 


I heard voices, laughter, music, and noise before a door closed and there was complete silence.  

W: Hey

N: Hi

W: Whats up?

N: Not much. You?

W: Don't.

N: What? I haven't said anything.

W: I can hear your thoughts miles away Noora

N: Ok. I'll stop them.

W: - breathed heavily - I turned in my last part of the thesis and invited some friends from class to celebrate.

  My frustration vanished in a second, but a new feeling emerged. A undescribable feeling. A mix of hopeless, disappointment, fury, pride, love and so many other bowled into one.

N: And you didn't think of telling me? - I said, feeling defeated

W: Its just some friends from class... its...

N: I don't care about the party William. You finished your thesis?

W: Yeah.

N: - started to cry - Congratulations.

W: Thanks.

N: I am so so proud of you.

W: Noora.

N: Seriously. You have worked so hard. I am so proud of you.

W: Please don't cry.

By now I couldn't stop. Not for him not telling me this huge and important information about his life, but because in this moment I knew what once was will never be again.

N: Can I call you later?

W: Noora.

N: I'll call you later. Bye.

I hung up.

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