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The next morning, as Simon said she would, at 6:03 AM Noora came into her office. 

W: Good morning - I knocked at her opened door with two mugs of black coffee in hand

N: Oh. Hi. Good morning. I didn't think anyone was here

W: I couldn't sleep so I thought I might as well do some work. Coffee?

N: Yes, please. 

I came in and placed a cup in front of her 

N: Yeah the opening this weekend!?

If only that was the only thing that had kept me up all night I thought to myself.

W: Yeah. Finally.

N: Thanks - she took the cup to her lips - You excited?

W: Very. But at the same time, I am shitting my pants

N: Why? You have a great product, you've done the job, established the contacts, laid a solid foundation. You should be proud. 

W: Thanks. And thanks for the neverending PR. I know it hasn't always been the easiest task to work with Kristian but, you managed it.

N: He is... Its just we have a very different way of approaching business and our work ethic is two planets apart, but I have major respect for his visions and he wants what's best for his employees and the city of London and I like that.

W: He is a London patriot for sure. 

N: You know Luce has a crush on him?

W: What? He has a wife.

N: What? Nooo!

W: Yeah!

N: Omg! I would have never guessed. He is so... free... and out there. 

W: - laughed - Ah then you should meet Madeline... if you think he is out there... But, hey you will meet her at the opening.

N: That's right. I will. What does she do? 

W: She is the CEO of Nike UK. 

N: Of course she is.

W: And also a former football player for the Women's UK national team. 

N: No shit!? They are just match made in heaven.

W: They really are...

After a pause she said,

N: So... I know you talked to Eva last night

W: I did. 

N: Is that the reason you couldn't sleep?

I nodded.

N: There is no need for worrying William. Charles is an ex-boyfriend and as you know there is always a history with exes - she tried for humor. I didn't think any of this was the slightest funny. - He is getting his life back on track after a rough time and I am helping him a little. I was just a little taken off guard when he called yesterday but, now that I've heard his story...

W: Helping him? After everything, you are helping him?

N: Yes. And I would appreciate it if you or anyone else for that matter took your judging looks and advice elsewhere. 

I was just looking at her, dumbfounded. There was so much more I wanted to say to her, but she was right. I had no right to. 

W: Fine. 

We were looking at each other for a long time. Lines are already crossed, we are both under water. 

W: I'm gonna go - as I was getting up to leave

N: Hey, you wanna have lunch later? 

W: - surprised - Ehm... I cant today. I am in court all day. Tomorrow?

N: Sure. 

W: Ok. 

I am about to leave her office, but I can't go without saying this. It should really be clear and implied but, I have to get it off my chest in case it isn't. I turn around.

W: And if there is anything, and I mean seriously anything Noora I am just a phone call away. Always.

N: - smiled - Thanks, William. Always. 

I give her a reassuring smile and leave. 

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