Like it could be anyone else

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The crowd that had shown up tonight had slowly seized down to ten people. My girls, Eskild, Jonas, Isak, and William. The gallery owner, Solveig and I.

N: So your colleague is amazing. - I sat down beside him. He had been talking to Jonas but, when Jonas got up to use the bathroom I grabbed my opportunity.

W: She is.

N: And beautiful.

W: Yeah? Want her number?

I snarked him. He snarked back.

N: Funny.

He laughed lightly, clearly proud of his own joke.

W: She is my mentor at the firm. And a huge art lover. She was supposed to come tonight with her wife, but Therese got the flue so she invited me.

N: You didn't know it was my display? But you seemed...

W: No. I knew it was yours. I mean I didn't when she invited me two days ago but, then she mentioned your name and I figured.

N: Well. I am glad you came. It's nice seeing you.

W: You too. When did you get back?

N: Two weeks ago.

W: Åja. Where are you staying?

N: Sana and Vildes. - He nodded - You?

W: Ehm I am renting in Pilestredet with Vegard and Morten.

N: Oh cool. That's close to everything.

W: Yeah. But of course, now I am going to work at a law firm with offices on Majorstua.

N: Oh really? That's a drag.

W: Tell me about it.

N: But you happy at the firm? Is practicing law everything you envisioned it to be? - I said smiling

W: Both yes and no. I mean I am still not a fully equipped lawyer. I got tons to learn. But you know just being in a law firm, amongst your own, talking law all day, it's almost like a sect. I love it. And you learn so much more than in school. Like I feel the last month under Lises guidance has taught me more than the three years I spent in school.

N: That's usually how it works. The things you learn out in the real world compared to the lessons in school are shaping you and really preparing you for whats next.

W: Yeah. Definitely.

He smiled. I smiled. A long loving look shared between us.

W: So... I like my painting.

I smiled, happy and a little embarrassed

N: Your painting? - I played cool

W: Or... I hope it's my painting. Is it... my painting?

My baby. The confident, in-control man becomes a little boy in the split of a second. I couldn't joke with that.

N: Like it could be anyone else.

His lips curved upwards while his eyes looked down for a second. I think he was relieved. But really how could he even doubt it? Like any other boy or person for that matter has had the impact that he has on my life that I would dedicate a painting to them.

J: Hey guys... you got any plans tonight? - Jonas put his hands on my shoulders from behind while looking between William and me.

We were both nodding our heads "no" while exchanging confused looks.

N: No

W: No

Jonas smiled.  The others came to stand close by, all in a happy-go-lucky kinda mood. I smiled at my friends. I loved them. My world. We don't see each other as much as before, but whenever we do it the best. Its like we have never left Nissen, the jokes and laughter are always on a high note.

N: Whats going on?

J: We thought maybe we could all go out. We haven't done that in since... well forever. It will be fun. All of us. Out together. Again.  - he was grinning wildly while trying to convince us.

V: Yeah. Out dancing - she chipped in ecstatic

I shrugged my shoulders "I am game" and looked at William.

W: Yeah. Me too. 

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