... I am bound to him

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Eventually, April came and I applied only to the University and colleges in Oslo. I wasn't sure as to what I wanted to do with my life besides the art. But since the prospects of making a living out of that in Norway are narrow I am putting that aside for now. I am rather focusing on sociology, social anthropology, socio-economic studies, history, Middle Eastern studies or International Relations studies which are all bachelor degrees I have applied to. And whatever I get I think I'll be satisfied with. The most important thing for me now is being with William and being wherever he is. Since he is bound to Oslo, I am bound to Oslo because I am bound to him. :) 

William was of course extremely excited about this news. He knew after our talk in Espresso House a month ago but, still being it a reality beats all talk naturally. 

We then started apartment hunting for real. We had a little different budget in mind and some logistical problems about which part of the city to live. 

  He had since he left London last summer patched things up with his father again. Even though the relationship is not the greatest its an ok one that I think they both are satisfied with. Honestly with everything they have been through I don't believe the relationship can move any further than it is at this point. A weekly five-minute phone call to check in and a text now and again if there is something important going on or a life event in each their lives. 

   He was still reluctant about his mother even though we have visited her a few times. No matter how or what happened in the past, both of us have to come to a point where we let go of the past, try as much as possible to forget and forgive. I think that is the only way to move forward, both and most importantly for ourselves, but also for the two of us as a couple. 

It was one of our promises to each other almost a year ago when he came back from London and we locked ourselves in for four days and laid down all the cards. That we will help each other rebuild relationships with our parents. None of us wants nor think its possible to ever have a normal relationship with them, but at least have some kind of relationship. 

   I mean I have always talked to mine, a few times a week and they have always been generous with the money so they aren't ignoring my existence completely. They just don't know how to be parents and I think I have eventually forgiven them for that shortcoming because maybe we are better off without each other. I have learned to depend on myself since I was 15 and I think that's a lesson I wouldn't have had if they had been different. And that's a trait I love most about myself.

  In mid-June we finally found an apartment we both agreed on, it fitted our budgets and the location was a compromise, originally he wanted Frogner, I wanted Grünerløkka and we ended up on Skt.Hans. , compromise. :) His school is nearby, most of the colleges I have applied to are within walking distance and the University is only five tram stops away. Its a great, vibrant, a mix of bohemian and trendy atmosphere in the student-friendly part of town. 

  Now we can finally concentrate on summer vacation. We won't be moving in until August 1st so we have more or less a month to plan something. We know we want to travel somewhere warmer at least for a week but, also spend time with friends on the Norwegian coast, preferably Sørlandet if we can get a hold of a rental summer house down there.

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