more than good enough...

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E: Heeey

N: Heey beautiful familiar people

V: Omg. Noora. This is amaziiiing! - she was beaming at me.

I hugged them both.

N: Thank you. And thanks so much for coming. 

E: Are you kidding me. I wouldn't miss this even if I had an exam. It's incredible. You are such a freaky talent girl.

N: Ahh stop. You are making me blush. - we laughed and hugged again - where are Sana and Chris?

They looked at each other. 

N: What?

V: Ehm well... Chris is parking the car and Sana is telling her how to.

N: Oh

E: So they might not make it to your display tonight - said sarcastically

I laughed.

V: Omg!

N: What?

E: Åj!

N: Whaa... ? - I stopped midsentence as I turned fully around and saw who just entered the gallery. 

My world stopped. In a second all breath left my body and I reached for my heart which I wasn't sure was even there anymore. 

What is he doing here?

We haven't talked or seen each other since the break-up in March. Besides a gift and flowers sent to me to Madrid for my birthday. I loved the gesture, but it didn't really give me him. And then a month ago an imsg with a picture of an A on his thesis and me replying with "Congratulations. You deserve every bit of that A. :)". 

Besides that, we have kept our distance like people do when they break up. That part has been easy since I was in Madrid and he was here. But, now I am here again. I have been here for two weeks but there has been radio silence from both of us. I didn't know if he knew I was in the city and I didn't want to bother him afraid that I won't like where these past four months have taken him. It looks like I was right in doing so. 

Because he is standing at the door talking to the owner and host of the gallery, Solveig  with a date. A freaking date. He brought a freaking date to MY first ever art gallery display. Does he hate me? I mean he could've just not come. I haven't invited him, the display isn't mandatory, as far as I know, he doesn't know the owner. Why come? And with a date?

Oh. And just as I had begun to glue my heart back together.

I have no idea how long I was standing staring in his direction, but he suddenly looked my way and our eyes met. He smiled politely without teeth and waved a little. I couldn't hide my smile and questioning eyes. He pointed in my direction and he plus date started walking towards me. 

W: Heey - he smiled 

N: Hello - I smiled back, a little at ease because his tone was light and cheery like just waiting to crack a joke

He reached down and we hugged.

N: What are you doing here? - I said while hugging

W: I couldn't miss your debut

N: My debut?

W: In the artistic world. 

N: Oh. But how did you know?

W: You know me. I am connected. - he said with a smirk

I laughed lightly. He followed suit. 

W: It looks amazing. Much more than good enough.

N: Thank you. - smiled appreciating his comment, sad for the remembered reference

L: Are all these yours? - she made a gesture with her point-finger around the room.

N: Ehm... yes most of them and there is two more in the contemporary room.

L: Oh we'll have to check them out - she turns to William.

W: Of course - he smiles at her and turns back to me

N: Ok. You guys enjoy. I should go and mingle. 

W: Talk to you later?

N: Sure. Enjoy.

We directed an unfathomable smile at each other before I headed for the entrance where my previous boss Tom, from the Henie Onstad museum and his wife, Elise just arrived. William and his date went in to explore. 

Later I meet the date at the food table. She was older I noticed now and had a great style, loved her earrings.

L: You must be very excited. Your first display and what a turnout.

N: Yeah. It's a little overwhelming.

L: You should be proud. You are very talented. I heard you worked at a museum in Madrid? 

N: Yeah. For a year at Sorolla as Manuela Louisas assistant. 

L: That must have been a thrill. She is a great example of going your own way. No matter how of a mess it looks to others. - she winked

N: Yes. Exactly. You know her work?

L: I even have a few pieces hanging around in my house. 

N: Oh. Wow. Usually, when I tell people here about her they have no idea who she is, but anywhere else she is a genius.

L: The art world is small in Norway and the taste for it even smaller. There are like two or three classical painters that seem to be the standard for anyone wanting to purchase art. 

N: Exactly. You seem to know a little about the arts. Are you painting? Or...

L: - laughed lightly - No sweetie. I am as boring as they come, a lawyer.

N: Oh.

L: Right... we haven't been properly introduced. William and manners sometimes. - she joked and stretched out her hand - I am Lise. I work at the same law firm as William.

N: Oh! - so colleague. Just colleague? - Nice to meet you. I am Noora.

L: I figured. The Noora of Williams life. Nice to finally meet you. I have heard a lot about you. But none of the compliments could define how talented you really are. 

N: - smiled embarrassed - Thank you.

L: Truly great work sweetie. Just keep on. Art is personal and never settle for anything that doesn't feel right for you. In life in general too. - she laughed - But especially in art. That is your platform to be you, true you. So... never compromise yourself there. 

N: Thank you so much. That is great advice. May be the best I have been given so far.

L: - smiled kindly - You most welcome. Now I am gonna go purchase some art. - she winked at me

N: Thank you. 

L: And the "you" painting. Wow. Heartbreaking. - she said before squeezing my arm lightly, like encouragement and leaving

N: Thank you - I said and smiled gently as I was left to stand there alone. Stunned, overwhelmed and in complete awe of the woman. She came in told me everything I needed and wanted to hear and left, like a fairy haha. 

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