No biggie

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W: But then Jacob jumped

N: Of course.

W: And I was still standing by the rail holding on for dear life -

He stands up to demonstrate his pose for me. I was laughing so much I was gasping for air and he was only halfway through the story 

W: In my mind, that was the only safe thing right? Then Erik comes from my left and makes the most wicked jump ever and I just stand there and stare... shitting my pants...more scared then ever. Feeling like the biggest chicken ever. I mean I was the one that convinced them to go and I freaking used up my whole months' paycheck to get us there and they all were having the time of their lives while I can't even make a freaking jump. I swear it was the weirdest feeling I ever had. I mean I am not afraid of heights you know that. I have done hiking a million times. But that was just. I don't know... my mind and feet just froze and there was no convincing me of jumping or moving in any way.

I was still laughing, picturing him at that mountain scared as shit, it was so unlike him. He was laughing too now, I think mostly because I was laughing so hard. 

William and I had finally found the time in our schedule to have a beer and catch up. The atmosphere was very laid back, it was Friday and it was after work so we were both in business attire, but in full weekend mode. It had been a hectic week on both sides so a beer and light-hearted conversations and laughter with a dear friend was just what I needed. 

N: I think its so great that you all still keep in touch. I mean its so easy to forget each other when you leave school and people go their separate ways. And when you do stay close geographically its the thing about finding the time when everyone has a life of their own with work, marriage, kids. 

W: Yeah. We're pretty good at that. Of course, I don't see everyone as much but, twice a year we try to have the classic reunion with everybody.

N: Yeah. Around Christmas and in the summertime?

W: - laughs - The classics. How are the girls? All still in Oslo?

N: Yeah, besides Eva. She is in Denmark. But they re all good. Everyone is doing their thing. Vilde is pregnant did you know that?

W: Noo. I didn't. Amazing. She and Magnus still together?

N: Still going strong.

W: That's great. 

N: Yeah they are like two peas in a pod. 

He took a sip of his beer.

N: Omg. Remember when she was obsessing with you?

W: How can one ever forget - he said sarcastically. I laughed. He followed suit shaking his head.

W: But then again. If that didn't happen you wouldn't have ever noticed me so...

N: Of course I noticed you. I just didn't like you.

W: Ouuu. - he shook his hand like I've pinched him. 

N: But then I got to know you... - I saved myself

W: And fell madly in love... That's what I wanted to hear - he nodded his head, all smug.

We were both laughing and made a toast to old times and good memories and Vilde. Haha. 

N: Do you ever think about that? The us? - I suddenly said surprising myself as much as I surprised him. I have no idea where that came from. I honestly haven't thought about William in that way in a while, not even now when we have entered each other lives again. 

We are seeing each other almost on a daily basis and still not once have I thought any further than that is William, a dear friend from my past and now a colleague. It feels like a lifetime ago we were more than just friends. So much has happened since then in my life, and I am sure in his too. Maybe it was the third beer talking, maybe it was my unconsciousness being curious before my logical part of the brain had time to put a filter on. I blame the long week and the third beer.

After his surprised face had settled to a calm one he said ,,I do." with a slight smile.

N: Is it weird that that makes me smile? - I couldn't hide my smiling face.

W: - he smiled too - I don't know... Probably not.

I took a sip of my beer while he was watching me intently.

N: What?

W: Nothing.

N: Is it awkward now?

W: Nooo. We are adults. We should be able to talk about everything. Even our joint past.

I nodded. He was very lowkey, relaxed about it so I approached it the same way. It was a long time ago, we were just kids. It was no biggie. 

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