The choice I made...

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N: Heey

W: Hey baby

We kissed as we met in front of Skeidar. We were dining table hunting. We have been for the past week as the one we currently have, which is girl Chris' mothers, has been ruined by Noora the artist trying to paint and decorate it with her newly learned skills.

W: How was your day?

N: Much better now - kissed him again - You?

W: Ditto. - we smiled lovingly at each other as we walked hand in hand inside Skeidar.

N: How did that presentation go? - I remembered 

W: Good I think. I was short a whole minute which gave him more time to question me but, I think I got out of it ok. 

N: Oh you didn't get the result immediately?

W: No, next week he said. I think he is only doing it in spite. I mean he saw the presentations, we answered his questions on the spot I don't understand why he needs a week to make a decision on a grade.

I showed him a lamp as we were talking, he nodded no. I smiled, put it down and walked on.

N: Who knows... maybe he is just slow. - I tried for humor.

W: That and a mix of alcohol and those grades will fly. Much like our dining room table will after you massacred it. - he joked back.

I looked at him with Bambi's eyes while trying to hold in my smile. He laughed lightly at his own joke.

N: Joke all you want Magnusson but, that table is a masterpiece.

He came over and hugged me from behind, burying his head in between my head and shoulders and kissing my neck.

W: No doubt in my mind. - I could hear him smile in between kisses.

N: You know if you continue to do that we'll have to get out of here without a table.

W: Let's go - he almost whispered

N: - I turned around in his embrace all the while smiling and kissed him - Then we'll be stuck with my masterpiece which is not proper to dine at for at least another week.

I stepped away from him and to a table, I wanted to inspect more thoroughly, and I had to create some distance to him or we for sure would have left Skeidar without a table.

W: Who needs food when we have each other - he gave me his now famous (the post-Noora smile his friends used to joke) grin. I couldn't help but smile just as widely. Is it possible to love somebody so much? I am so happy that it makes me want to throw up at myself sometimes haha.

N: What do you think about this one?

W: I don't think that will fit into our living room, or at least not in the space where the old table is now. Unless you want to move it somewhere else.

N: No. Where it's now is perfect to the kitchen and the TV to the sofa.

W: What about this one?

N: I don't like white on dining tables.

W: That's right. I should know that. - we smiled at each other, both tired and reluctant but it's easier when we are in it together.

N: What about that one?

W: The black one?

N: Noo. The look-alike mahogany one.

W: You really like that one?

N: I don't know. No. But I can't anymore. I am tired and we aren't finding anything today either. The ones I like are like vintage 15000kr tables and NO, William we are not paying 15000 for a freaking table!

He came over and hugged me

W: What about we go and get some Thai comfort food take away and take a breather, when we have food in our system we can go over all the tables we've seen and liked so far and agree on one.

N: If you promise not buy one for 15000kr.

W: I promise. 

We decided to eat at the Thai place instead of having take-away in case we made a decision and had to go back to Skeidar or any other furniture store. When we finished the delicious Thai meal, that we both love, we buried our heads in our phones looking for tables. 

W: Hey look at this... there is a vintage second-hand store called "Tidsrommet" at Pilestredet only opened on Thursdays with great stuff. Look? 

We were looking at tables and found several that we liked. But since its only opened on Thursdays we have to wait another two days.

N: I think its worth the wait. I mean I see several tables here I actually loooove.

N: Oh

W: What

N: I got an email.

W: About a table? - he joked

N: No. - my head was still in my phone as I was reading the email thoroughly. 

After William had been patient for a couple minutes and there was no sound or movement from me.

W: Whats going on?

N: Omg!

W: What?

N: Remember the teacher I told you about at the painting course I took.

W: Yeah? Tom?

N: He is wondering if I am interested... there is an internship at the Henie Onstad museum over the summer and he wants to know if I am interested.

W: Wow. That's amazing Noora.

N: I can't believe it. I mean... I never... Wow asså. 

W: Henie Onstad. That's really something.

N: I knooow. - I wanted to scream like a little girl but, behaved myself.

W: When is it?

N: It's from June 15th to August 15th which means our summer plans... - I looked at him sadly.

W: Hey. Don't think about that. Italy won't go anywhere and NYC is still where we left it last year. All that can be done in the fall or any other summer. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. You have to do this.

N: And what will you do?

W: I'll keep you company in the city. Wait for you at home with dinner on the table which I hope we'll find until then - he smiled joking.

I went over and sat on his lap (I never did things like that in public places but, this was a rare and special moment.) and threw my arms over his shoulders and squeezes as tight as I could. Trying to project to him at least half the love and happiness I was feeling. I smooched him with kisses until he couldn't breathe anymore. 

If at the end of it all I only have made one good choice in my entire life it would be the choice I made to kiss him that night on Beierbrua. The choice to let myself fall for him, to let myself love him. Because so far it has been the greatest thing ever.

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