chasing fire when I am running after you...

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N: Are you still at the party?

W: Yes

N: Want to grab a bite?

W: Are you alone? 

N: Yes

W: Where are you?

N: Waiting in the cab out front.

W: Be there in 5

I started to make the rounds to say goodbye to our guests and tell Kristian I was leaving so he was in charge of entertaining the last remaining guests, especially the collaborators. 

I know I shouldn't jump the second she texts especially after she left the way she did just an hour ago. With HIM. He and I somehow ended up shuffling and cuffing and when she came to the scene she took his side and left WITH HIM!

Now she was reaching out to me which was a first. And I liked it. So I had to see what was up. I think we need to have a proper talk, there are always some eruptions, but we need to sit down privately and talk. I can't keep this chasing if its gonna lead to her going back to that abusive prick.

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