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Jin let out a loud gasp as he stumbled into his apartment. He clutched his chest as he took deep breaths. What happened three years ago still hurt him so much. He took laboring breaths as he slid down to the floor.

His heart ached.

Jin came home happily, humming as he held onto his bag. He quickly got home, wanting to see his loving boyfriend. When he got inside their shared house, he set down his bag and keys.

"Babe!" Jin yelled out, looking around.

Oddly, the house was quiet.

"Are we playing hide and seek?~" He asked with a light tone as he looked for his boyfriend. Jin walked into their shared room, and saw a note placed on his nightstand.

He walked over to it, lifting it. It read,

"My dearest Seokjin, I love you. I truly do love you, and I'm so so so sorry that I left on this kind of note. I'm really a horrible boyfriend, aren't I? You were a lot of my firsts. I have family matters back in Japan, so I had to leave urgently. I'm sorry, I am in debt to you. You have shown me many things, and have helped me through tough times. However, this is where we part. I feel guilty for doing such a thing to you, but I have no idea when I'll be returning. Don't wait for me. I'll come back on my own time, and hopefully by then you won't be in love with someone else. Goodbye, my love."

His knees buckled and Jin fell to the ground.

How could he?

How could the person he loved leave him like that?

Especially when he needed him most. He only had two more years of school, why couldn't those stupid family matters wait?

Jin cried for weeks. Months. It took him a year to get over him..

However, Jin guesses he never truly got over him. He let out a shaking breath, bringing his knees up to his chest. He was almost going to cry.

Seokjin sat in that position, for what felt like ages, with his head resting on his knees.

He grabbed his phone and texted his closest friend.

Suga (MR. SWAG)

Can you come over?

Yeah why?

Please. Just come over.

I'm on my way

Thank you
Sent at 1:21 P.M.

Seokjin waited patiently for Yoongi to show up. Him and Yoongi had been roommates for a while, and had grown pretty close with eachother in that amount of time. After school, he moved in with Yoongi at 21. He stayed for 2 leases. It was cheaper to live with Yoongi, which he did just that.

He took pride in saying that Min Yoongi was his best friend.

He heard a knock on the door and Jin got up, quickly opening the door to see his black haired friend, which used to be mint colored hair, but now it was black. Jin hugged him, and Yoongi wrapped his arms around Jin.

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