술취한 국가

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Namjoon knocked on Jin's door in the morning. Jin opened the door.

Now that, was definitely a sight he would never get over.

Jin's hair was messy, and his eyes were semi-closed. He looked so cute.


Maybe he was a little gay, but only for this one man.

"I-uh, um.. sorry? Did I wake you?" Namjoon asked, fidgeting a little.

"No, no. I've been like this for the past twenty minutes." Seokjin admitted, smiling a little.

"I just.. wanted to ask you when the little house warming party was?" Namjoon played with his own hands a little, "You never told me."

"Oh, Yeah! 3 is fine, just show up then."

"Thank you." Namjoon smiled at him, about to leave.

"Wait! Have you eaten yet?" Seokjin asked and Namjoon shook his head.

"Agh, of course. You young people and not eating breakfast," Seokjin laughed to himself, "Come in. I'll make breakfast."

"No, it's fine." Namjoon tried to convince him.

"Nope! I insist, come in and sit down so I can serve you good food that's healthy." Jin grabbed Namjoon's wrist and made him come into his apartment.

He then dragged him towards a small table with 2 seats only, and made him sit down.

"Do you like eggs and tofu?" Jin asked and Namjoon just nodded.

Jin got to cooking. Made vegetable omelets, tofu seasoned in soy sauce, rice cooked with black and red beans, and radish kimchi with Korean coleslaw. He set it down in front of Namjoon, and then set his own side of the table up for himself.

"Woah.." Namjoon's eyes widened. "I haven't had a proper home cooked meal in ages." He admitted. "Thank you for the food."

"No problem! Come over whenever I'm here and I'll make you some food." Jin smiled.

They got to eating.

"So. Namjoon, what do you do?" Jin asked.

"Like..? As in?" Namjoon asked.

"Job.. hobby.." Jin answered.

"Oh, I do underground rapping."

"Really?! Sounds fun."

"It is, I like it a lot."

"Is that how you make money?" Jin asked.

"No, I do small jobs here and there but mostly my family just spoils me," Namjoon admitted.

"Ahh, I wish my family could've done that, but at the same time I didn't need them to. Our dreams are different though, so you go and achieve that dream!" Seokjin smiled at him.

"Yeah, thanks."

Seokjin gasped, "Wait? You're a rapper. My friend is a rapper! He was over just yesterday. You know Min Yoongi?"

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