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Namjoon yawned as he woke up, right next to Jin who was cuddled up into him. He looked around, trying to make his eyesight less blurry.

He remembered the other day and smiled, his dimples showing. Then he felt a finger poking into one of them.

"Oh, good morning." Namjoon said, turning his head to Jin.

"Good morning," Jin smiled up at him.

"How are you on this fine morning, my beautiful princess?" Namjoon laughed a little to himself.

"I am doing amazing, my handsome knight." Jin was smiling so big, it hurt his cheeks. He rolled over, on top of Namjoon, he latched onto him.

"Do you want to go eat?" Namjoon asked, running his fingers through Jin's hair.

"Hm.. not yet." Jin replied, humming.

"Okay, then we can wait." Namjoon replied.

"D-do.. Nevermind." Jin said, stopping his self from what he was going to say.

"What is it? You have to tell me," Namjoon asked.

"I.. It's silly though, you'll be weirded out." Jin replied.

"No I won't. Say it, spill it." Namjoon lightly demanded.

"Can we.. do it again? I just need to feel you in me, please?" Jin asked, looking into Namjoon's eyes.

His eyes widened a little, "I didn't expect that from you, but yeah. If you want to, of course. I have no problem with it,"

"Thank you," Jin smiled, kissing him lightly.

After their small fiasco in the morning, they took a shower and Jin made breakfast.

They were in the middle of eating when Jin asked, "Were you serious about the marriage thing?"

Namjoon looked up at with with a cocked eyebrow, "The what?"

"You.. Not too long ago you said you would ask to marry me in a month if I wanted to." Jin said.

"Oh yeah. Of course I was serious." Namjoon replied.

Jin played with his food a little, "Did you do the same with your ex?"

"No." Namjoon stated, "I didn't. My friends had told me rumors about her before I started dating her, I'm surprised I lasted so long without finding out she was cheating on me. I expected it, but it hurt." He explained.

"So why do you want to immediately marry me?"

Namjoon stopped eating and looked Jin straight in his eyes, "I trust and love you. I feel a deep connection with you. I don't want to wait years. Also, getting you an engagement ring is practically a promise of getting married. We don't have to have the wedding immediately, we can wait years." Namjoon said.

(A/N: Let's pretend this is in the future when Korea has legal gay marriage thanks for the sake of the story ;) UGH this is so unrealistic I'm so sorry sjsnxudm)

"You'd be willing to do that?" Jin asked.

"Are you insecure? Is that why you're asking me all these questions?" Namjoon asked.

"I.. kind of. I don't want to be promised something and have my heart broken again," He admitted.

"Seokjin, I would never break your heart. First of all, I literally love you. It literally broke my heart seeing you cry this morning,"

"I wasn't crying because of sadness! I was happy!" Jin replied, embarrassed. That morning, the sex they had was very emotional for Jin.

"But you still cried, I genuinely want to protect you from all harm," Namjoon said. "Second of all, I would be dead if I did that. My parent's made sure to teach me to never break anyone's heart."

Jin nodded, "Okay.."

"Does that mean you're considering it? You want to get engaged next month?" Namjoon asked, excited like a puppy.

"You'll have to let me think about it, Okay?" Jin said a smile on his face, "Later, do you want to go visit Jungkook?"

"I was planning on doing that anyways," Namjoon replied, "I want to talk to him, but I also want to talk to Taehyung too."

"I think you should leave Taehyung alone for a while," Seokjin said, "He has a lot to think about, give him some time."

"Yeah, you're right." Namjoon nodded, "When will we go see them?"

"In a few hours, or now if you want."

"Let's go now," Namjoon answered. They left Jin's apartment, and went to the hospital. On the way there they just talked.

"So, how's that mixtape going with Hoseok and Yoongi?" Jin asked as he drove.

"I'll have to text them about it, I think it's going good." Namjoon answered.

Namjoon's phone started to ring, and he answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey, Namjoon hyung. It's me Jimin. About yesterday, why was Taehyung sobbing about how you yelled at him?" Jimin asked.

"Oh, I did. It was about something he seriously needed to think about though, because he was blaming me for the crash. I told him something, I didn't mean to make him cry." Namjoon said, worried. He really didn't mean to make Taehyung cry, he just wanted to give him a reality check.

"Oh okay, I was just wondering because he came to me crying. Anyways, have a good day hyung." Jimin then hung up.

"Who was that?" Jin asked as he parked at the hospital.


"Oh, Okay." Jin hummed as they got out the car. They walked in and asked to visit Jungkook, and when they arrived they saw Jungkook's parents.

"Oh.. hello." Namjoon greeted as he entered.

"Hello, Namjoon." His mother greeted him with a small smile.

"I'm really sorry about what happened, my mother said we can deal with his medical bill." Namjoon stated, feeling awkward.

"That's nice," His mom nodded.

"Hyung!" Jungkook called out, "I remembered more!"

Namjoon smiled at him, "That's great."

"And who's this?" His father asked, looking at Jin.

"He's my boyfriend," Namjoon said.

Jin bowed slightly,
"Nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too." His father said.

"What did you remember, Jungkook?" Namjoon asked after a while of silence.

"Jimin, you, and some other things." Jungkook smiled, "Apparently I'm supposed to be discharged sometime soon!"

"That sounds great, will you need help with anything?" Namjoon asked.

"He will," his mother said, "I don't want him around 태형(Taehyung) anymore."

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