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It's been a few days since they've last seen each other. Jin has been at work. Namjoon has been with Yoongi and Hoseok working on the collaboration they're planning.

"This is really good," Yoongi hummed a little, satisfied with the lyrics they came up with. "We can start recording today,"

"Really?" Namjoon asked, obviously excited. He never got the chance to rap in a real studio.

"Yeah," Yoongi said, "Let's do it," He got off his lounge chair and walked into the actual studio part of this floor. They all walked in, Namjoon spotted Yoongi pressing a few things and doing some stuff on his computer.

"So. You first, then Hoseok, and then me. The parts in between will be all of us. It's pretty simple, now let's go." Yoongi said.

It took a while to finally get done, having screwed up here and there. By the end of the day they were finished with two of them.

The first one was!

They called it "Intro: Cypher,"

The next one was

This was called "Killer,"

All their songs were going to go under an album named "Cypher" once they were done.

Namjoon stretched, yawning a little. "I think I'm going to head home, text me when you want to do this again." He said, leaving. He had given Yoongi and Hoseok his number earlier.

(I've rated this fanfic Mature now because I'm positive there will be smut! So,, beware!)

He came back home and went on his computer. Namjoon was being a hundred percent serious when he said he would want to do it with Jin at sometime, but he wanted to learn the best ways to do it.

And the best way to do that?

Watch porn. Ah, he hasn't watched porn in a long time. It's kind of refreshing. He's never actually watched gay porn, it'll be an entirely new experience for him.

What he really didn't expect at the end was having an hour pass by of him jerking off to things like this. He took a shower, cleansing himself of his sins. Actually no, he was just cleaning himself. When he was done he sat back down, just going through social media.

"I'll have to buy more lube.." He thought out loud, humming the tracks that he helped make earlier. He heard a knock at his door. Namjoon got up and opened it, seeing his lovely boyfriend Seokjin.

"Jin!" He said happily, hugging the older.

"Hello," Jin replied with a smile on his face, hugging him back.

"Two Days away from you is too much," Namjoon said.

"Aw, I'm going to have a heart attack if you keep acting this cute." He said.

"You're the cute one," Namjoon commented, kissing Jin's head.

"What's up with you? You're in such a good mood." Jin laughed a little.

"You're here," Namjoon stated, a smile on his face. It was one of those smiles that you can tell a person's in love with you when they give you it. One of those goofy smiles, that gives you butterflies in your stomach.

Jin gasped a little under his breath, that was super cute. "You're too much for me, I've said that so many times by now." He kissed Namjoon. Namjoon kissed him back, eagerly at that.

When they pulled away Namjoon let out a happy sigh, letting Jin come in.

"I love your lips," He said with a small smile, "Seriously, they're so plump and perfect."

Jin laughed, putting a bag on the kitchen counter. Namjoon didn't even realize he had a bag.

"I brought some food from work, they said I could so here's some of my top notch expensive food." Jin said, taking the food out and finding plates. He put the food on the plate.

"Wow, that looks so good!" Namjoon walked up behind him, putting his head on Jin's shoulder. He kissed the other's neck lightly, "Thank you for bringing back food, babe."

This flustered Jin a little, causing him to go pink. "Aish. I'm going to heat this up," Jin said, grabbing a plate and putting it in the microwave for 55 seconds.

"Why 55 seconds?" Namjoon asked.

"When heating up cold, or warm food I use 55 all the time. It usually always works." Jin shrugged. After the microwave beeped he put in the next plate. He got a fork and handed the bow hot platter of food to Namjoon. Namjoon put his food on his small table that was in there. He got some water for himself before asking,

"Do you want some water?"

"Yes, please." Jin replied, the microwave beeped and he took the food out, grabbing a fork. Namjoon sat down, putting a water on the other side of him and putting his own water down by his food. Jin sat down across from him.

"Thank you," Namjoon said, digging into the food. He took a bite and practically moaned. Not because of anything sexual, but because it tasted that good.

Jin laughed at Namjoon's reaction, "Do you like it?"

Namjoon nodded since he had a full mouth.

"So, what'd you do today?" Jin asked as they ate.

"Hm," Namjoon swallowed his food, "I went to Yoongi's studio. Hoseok, Yoongi and I began the raps. It's honestly so good so far, it'll be a mini-album that Yoongi will be producing."

"Oh, can I hear it?" Jin asked.

"Yeah, of course! Next time we go over we can," Namjoon said. That ate their food, talking here and there.

When they finished, including cleaning the dishes, they cuddled on the couch. Namjoon was kissing Jin's neck lightly as the older scrolled through Instagram.

"Are you working tomorrow?" Namjoon mumbled.

"No, but I am the next day." Jin replied, still glued to his phone.

"Okay, Good. Let's hang out tomorrow. I don't feel like going any where, so we should just stay home." Namjoon said, he had a plan though. He was already thinking everything out.

"Okay." Jin hummed.

After another while of silence, Namjoon watching what Jin was doing he spoke up again.

"We.. should go get some sweets." Namjoon said.

"That statement sounds very convincing, I have some cookies at my place." Jin said.

"Let's go then, we can just sleep there." Namjoon said. Jin got up first and then Namjoon did. Jin left first too, Namjoon grabbed something and put it in his pocket quickly, then he left to Jin. They got into the elder's house and Namjoon smiled. Perfect.

A plan was 양조 (brewing).

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