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"Kyung min?" Jin asked, confused. He never told her where he lives.

"Woah.. am I at the right house? Is this Namjoon's place? Do you know where Namjoon is? Did you see him when he was discharged?" She started bombarding him with questions.

"Kyung min, why are you here?" Namjoon asked, looking over Jin's shoulder.

"Namjoon!" She said happily, Jin opened the door more and let her in. "I came all the way down here to check on you!"

"What did Mom tell you to do?" Namjoon asked, raising an eyebrow and crossing his arms.

Kyung min laughed, "She told me I should come check on you," She admitted. "So, who's house is this?" She asked while looking around curiously.

"Mine," Jin stated and she looked over at him, then she saw the marks on his neck that looked fresh. Then she looked back over at her brother, seeing that he was shirtless, before gasping and covering her mouth.

"Oh my god, did I interrupt something?" She asked.

"Yeah, you kind of did," Namjoon said, a little pissed off.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry. You're so lucky mom and ma didn't come instead, you would've been caught!" Kyung Min laughed, "Anyways, next door is your place, right Joon?"

"Yeah," Namjoon nodded.

"Okay, So now I know where you actually live and won't knock on your boyfriend's door ever again." Kyung min smiled, walking back towards the door. "I'll tell them that you're obviously perfectly fine," She said as she left.

Namjoon groaned, "Why do people always have to interrupt us?"

"No idea," Jin sighed, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "I feel bad, she took a long ride here and only got to see you for a few minutes. She must've been on her way when she called you,"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure she had another reason to be here though, she really didn't drive far." Namjoon stated, "She doesn't live with our mom's, she has her own place only like half an hour from here."

"Oh, Okay. That makes me feel better then," Jin stated, walking over to Namjoon, hugging him. "Let me guess, you're not in the mood anymore?"

"We can easily make the mood again," Namjoon stated.

"It's been 3 years since I was last laid," Jin admitted, "I don't want to be selfish and ask you for too much, so if you don't want to it's fine."

Namjoon put his hands on Jin's face, cupping it. "You're in luck that I am a horny twenty one year old." Jin laughed at the statement.

"I don't know, can I even consider that lucky?" Jin asked and Namjoon hummed.

"Of course you can," He replied as his hands dropped down to Jin's ass giving it a squeeze.

Then there was another knock on the door. Jin let out a frustrated groan.

"Seriously? Twice? In one day?" Jin said as he made his way to the door again, opening it.

"Hey, Jin!" Hoseok said with a smile.

"Hoseok? Why are you here?" Jin asked in an annoyed voiced.

"Woah, someone's got their panties in a twist," Hoseok laughed, "You haven't been answering your phone, so Yoongi was all like "Go check on him," blah blah blah, "This isn't like him, he always answers my texts," and such." Hoseok said, mocking Yoongi's voice.

Jin groaned, "I'm fine, Namjoon just got discharged."

"Oh!" Hoseok looked inside of the house, pretty much inviting himself in. "Hey, Namjoon! You didn't miss anything underground," He said with a smile.

"Oh, Okay." Namjoon replied.

"I heard Kookie got the worst of it?" Hoseok asked, "He lost his memories? Man, that sucks. Maybe we could bring him here and try to get him to remember!"

"That's a good idea," Jin nodded in agreement.


Namjoon sighed, "Hoseok.. I don't mean to be rude or anything, you're really kind hearted, but I'm just going to be blunt here. Jin and I are trying to bang, and people keep interrupting us, and you're one of them. So.. could you please leave? Cause I really—"

Hoseok started to laugh, "You're hilarious. Yeah, yeah. I'll leave. Have fun," He said with a grin before leaving.

"Namjoon!" Jin said, looking at Namjoon with shock.

"What? I had to be painfully blunt okay, it's been more than a month for me, and more than 3 years for you." Namjoon stated, "Beating my meat isn't enough,"

Jin snorted, "Yeah, I guess you're right," He walked back over to Namjoon putting his arms around his neck and making him walk backwards, which caused him to sit on the couch. Jin straddled him, "You'll treat me good, right?"

Namjoon gulped a little before nodding, "Yes, of course."

"You won't go too rough?" Jin asked for confirmation.

"Yes, Jin, I'll treat you like a prince." He replied, grabbing Jin's hips.

Seokjin smiled, "Then, take me away, my Knight." He giggled a little. Namjoon put his hands on Jin's thighs before lifting him up, bringing him back to the bedroom.

"I'll be nice," Namjoon hummed as he placed him on the bed, taking the shirt off of the older.

"Ugh, forget the foreplay, just go." Jin complained when Namjoon started kissing down his chest again.

"What? Then it won't be as 흥분시키는(exhilarating)." Namjoon stated.

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