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When Jin woke up, he was expecting nothing, that's a true statement.

However, he definitely wasn't expecting 5 men passed out in his living room, and 1 man passed out in his own bed.

Then after realizing all the passed out boys in his house, he remembered most of the things from the night before.

Like the fact he got drunk.

The fact that someone gave the younger ones drinks, and got them drunk.

And now he feels the fact that he was drunk last night.

"Holy fuck!" He yelled and groaned, putting his hand on his head. He whispered a little at the hangover he got.

He hasn't had one of those in a long time.

Jin had a frown on his face as he got up, stumbling towards his bathroom. He opened the little mirror cupboard. He looked in it for pills.

"Ugh, what do I even take?!" He whined.

"Aish! Shut up!" A voice yelled from the living room.

That sounded like Yoongi, and that was confirmed when he walked into the bathroom.

"I got a booming headache, I'll take care of the pills, you make hangover soup for everyone." Yoongi demanded.

Seokjin just figured to leave it at that, Yoongi must have more experience. He didn't leave before Yoongi handed him a few pills and he downed them. Then he left to the kitchen, drinking water as he made 7 hangover soups.

That's a lot of hangover soup.

He decided to take a picture of it and post it to his social media with the caption, "6 man babies and I had a little too much last night! 😅"

"Ew, emojis." Yoongi said as he looked over Jin's shoulder.

Well, he tried to.

"Shut it," Jin said, "Now eat your hangover soup child."

"I am barely younger than you." Yoongi pointed out.

"I remember when I was your age.." Jin began and Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Just wake everyone else up, I'll give them the medicine and water," Yoongi said, as he sat down at the table.

How were they supposed to fit everyone again? There's only two chairs, and the couch.

Now there's no way in hell Seokjin is going to allow them eat soup on his couch.

They can eat their soup sitting on the floor, yes.

Seokjin woke up Jimin first, who complained as he woke up.

Then he woke up Jungkook and Taehyung, who were tangled together weirdly.

Next was Hoseok, who he made sure to wake up extra gently since Yoongi would beat him to a pulp if he heard Hoseok complaining and being upset.

Now, last but not least, he woke up Namjoon softly. "Namjoon~" He cooed and he could hear Yoongi scoff from the kitchen.

"Just marry him already." Taehyung commented.

Jin rolled his eyes, he lightly tried shaking Namjoon awake.

"Ah, he's not waking up. That's it, Jin hyung, you must give him a kiss to awaken him." Hoseok stated, "True loves kiss!" He said in English and Yoongi snorted.

"Guys! Stop being embarrassing!" Jin whined.


I was actually awake, but no one needs to know that. I heard everything that was being said, and really wanted to just yell at my own friends.

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