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Namjoon paced around his apartment, trying to think of creative ways to propose to Jin. Then he started to think about,

What if Jin liked simple? What if Jin liked extravagant? What if Jin wasn't really sure about getting engaged so early?

Namjoon knew he was completely whipped for this man, because he never even thought about proposing to his ex. Who he dated for 2 years, but he's only dated Jin for not even 2 months yet.

Oh yeah. He sounds crazy.

He sounds absolutely insane for buying such an expensive ring to propose to Jin with.

But at the same time he trusts Jin.

A lot.

He called Hoseok, "Hey, Hoseok. Do you know a way Jin would like to be proposed to?"

"What? You're proposing?"


"Um.. I have no idea? Maybe ask Yoongi, he would be better at this since he's known Jin longer."

"Is he with you?" Namjoon asked.


"Can you put him on the phone?"


Namjoon heard some shuffling and then Yoongi said something.


"Hyung, can you help me figure out a way to propose to Jin?"

"Hmm.. he always talked about wanting to have a connection with the person proposing that they would know where to propose to him at. Have you guys ever had something go on between you two at a certain location..?" Yoongi asked.

Namjoon thought for a moment before gasping, "Yes! Perfect! Thanks hyung!" He then hung up.

He grabbed a notebook he had and a pencil, writing down on it.

"Propose to Jin during the sunset at the same spot where we had the deep talk at the beach. Get his favorite food, and desert."

Namjoon smiled, happy to have found something. He'll make an entire speech too. Yeah.

He felt like giggling, like some school girl which really disturbed him. He would have to wait a while to be able to propose, he didn't want to overwhelm Jin.

(I'm so sorry but we have to do a time skip I have no time to write so much now that I'm in high school)

It's been a month since Namjoon planned on the proposal. Jin had gotten a raise at work, and Namjoon finished the mixtape with Yoongi and Hoseok and have finally uploaded it. Jungkook had forgiven Taehyung, and Jimin had gotten a good steady paying job.

All was well.

Until Jin's ex made a comeback.

Namjoon and Jin had been in bed together, Namjoon still tired. There was a knock on the door and so Jin decided to check who it was. He got up and opened the door just to be met with his ex.

"Jin, let's talk?" Ichirou asked.

"Ichirou, Seriously?" Jin said, sounding disappointed. He was too tired for this right now.

"Come on, please..? I just want to apologize." Ichirou responded.

"I don't need your apology, because I don't plan on giving you a response." Jin said.


"Ichirou, no." Jin responded and went to shut the door but Ichirou forcefully opened it.

"Jin! Listen to me!"

Jin's eyes widened and he huffed, "No! Now leave!" He demanded.

Ichirou continued to walk deeper into the apartment. "Jin, if you would just hear me out."

"I don't want to, and I don't need to listen!" Jin argued and Ichirou walked towards him. "Ichirou, seriously, get out of my house!"

"Jin!" He yelled, "Listen! For fucks sake! I'm sorry!"

"No! What the fuck, Ichirou! Get out!" Seokjin screamed and Namjoon had woken up, getting into the room quickly.

"What the fuck," Namjoon exclaimed as he saw Ichirou corner Jin. "Get the fuck away from Seokjin at this moment you piece of shit."

"Are you the replacement? Or maybe the 50th replacement?" Ichirou asked with a poisonous tone.

"What the.. 50th?! You asshole, I waited for you! I didn't go out with anyone until I met Namjoon! Oh my god! Leave!" Seokjin shoved Ichirou.

"Why can't you just dump him, you've loved me longer, haven't you?!" Ichirou yelled.

"I don't love you!"

"Step the fuck away from Seokjin at this second  before I punch you so hard you'll forget all about him." Namjoon threatened.

Ichirou took the threat, backing away from Seokjin.

"He's my boyfriend, leave him alone. You lost your chance you asshole, you lost it. You'll never get him back. Now, I'll tell you one more time. Leave." Namjoon pointed towards the door and Ichirou glared at him.

"I can get whatever the fuck I want." Ichirou responded, grabbing Jin quickly and kissing him before letting go of him and leaving quickly. Namjoon nearly chased after him to punch him in the face. Jin was cringing, wiping his lips.

"What the fuck even was that?" Jin asked, confused at the entire ordeal that had happened.

"I don't know, but I sure as hell hate him." Namjoon responded, walking over to Jin and hugging him tightly. "He'll never be able to get you."

Jin let out a sigh, relaxing from his previous tense state. "He's changed, I don't know what happened to him. He never yelled like that before."

"Who cares? It's not like you'll be seeing him again." Namjoon said, a frown on his face.

"Kiss me? I want to get his lips off mine," Jin asked, suddenly and Namjoon did just that, kissing Jin softly before pulling away. "That's better." He took a deep breath.

"I was wondering.. I want to take you somewhere later, is that okay?" Namjoon asked.

Jin nodded, "Yeah, of course. Is it a date?"

"Yes, I guess you could call it that." Namjoon answered, kissing Jin again. "I love you,"

"I love you too." Jin smiled before getting out of Namjoon's grip and making them breakfast.

Namjoon was whipped.

(First English Named Chapter because there really isn't a korean word for "whipped" in that context)

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