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They got in the car and it took a while for them to get to the spot. Before they got there Namjoon told Jin to cover his eyes, so obviously Jin was confused.

"Wait.. you can probably hear everything.. I have earplugs somewhere.." Namjoon looked around his car, finding earplugs, "Keep your eyes covered, I'll put these in for you." Namjoon did just that, putting them in Jin's ears. He then got out, making sure it was in his pocket. He then went to the other side and helped Jin out, leading him to the place they needed to be. Helping him up the rocks was kind of hard, he ended up carrying him on his back the rest of the way.

Namjoon set Jin down, and Jin was now standing on his own. Namjoon unplugged Jin's ears and quickly got on one knee, yes he did slightly hurt himself a bit.

"You can look now," Namjoon stated a smile on his face. Jin uncovered his eyes and then looked around, then down. His eyes widening.

"We've only been together 3 months, which honestly isn't a lot but at the same time it is. Maybe I'm a little crazy but I have such deep feelings for you Seokjin." Namjoon began to say as he slowly took out the small, velvet box that was in his pocket, "You've changed my life and made me happy. I hope I've been doing the same. It took a lot of self control for me to wait a whole month for this. Seriously, it was unbelievable. I'm glad I got to you before anyone else could. I love you." He stared Jin in the eyes. Jin's eyes were glittering, tears glazing over. "Will you marry me Kim Seokjin."

Jin let out a laugh and then a sob and quickly went to hug Namjoon, who fell back onto the rock.

"Yes! Ugh, you're making me cry!" He cried out, burying his face into Namjoon's chest. "I love you so much," He sobbed.

"Wow Hyung, I never took you to be the type to cry from a proposal." Someone said as they made themselves noticeable.

Jin looked over to see Jimin, who had a camera in hand and was recording, Jungkook and Taehyung with him.

"What?!" Jin said, getting up.

"Jin, Wait, let me at least put the ring on you before you act shocked or something," Namjoon said, grabbing Jin's hand and sliding the ring on.

"What are you guys doing here?" Jin asked, wiping his tears away.

"Namjoon told us to come and record it," Jimin grinned.

"I told you to record it, not the entire younglings of the group." Namjoon replied.

"You can't order one of us and not expect the whole package." Jungkook defended.

"Ugh, you caught me on camera crying," He complained.

"Don't worry, you always look good. Even with tears in your eyes." Taehyung complimented.

"Seriously, Tae? That's my line." Namjoon huffed, "He's my fiancé."

"That reminds me of the first time you guys met," Another voice mentioned, they saw Yoongi and Hoseok coming up.

"When did you guys get here?" Namjoon asked, "I literally invited Jimin only."

"Jimin texted us to come here," Yoongi shrugged.

"Look! They're engaged!" Hoseok cooed.

"Congratulations. But anyways, back to when Jin first met Namjoon.." Yoongi trailed off, getting his phone out and looking through his photos for a certain video.

It was back to when Taehyung and Jungkook saw Jin for the first time.

"Oh my god, he's laughing!" - Taehyung

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