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They were finally back home. Having said goodbye to Namjoon's mother's that morning after breakfast and coming back home. Jin had work the next day, so they didn't plan on doing something tiring or far out for that day.

They were laying on Jin's couch together, cuddling, when Namjoon's phone rang. He read the caller I.D. Then picked up.

"What's up Taehyung, what do you need?" Namjoon asked.

"I need you to come here, get dressed in these clothes, and help out with my photo shoot."

"What? You have Jungkook for a reason."

"I screwed up the measurements a little, so these should fit you I think."

"How.. do you screw up measurements.. that go on a model that you always touch?" Namjoon asked.

"Hey, shut up. He gained muscles."

"And the last time you touched him was.. when? Yesterday? Two days ago? You can't gain muscle that quickly."

"Ugh! Hyung! Please, just get over here." Then Taehyung hung up, and Namjoon's phone dinged once more. It was a text message of where they were at.

He sighed and got up.

"Huh, you're going?" Jin asked, sitting up.

"Yeah, you can come if you want." Namjoon said, putting on his shoes.

"Yeah!" Jin got up too, getting his shoes on.

They got into Namjoon's car and the same question has been in the back of Jin's mind for a long time now.

"Hey, Joon?" Jin said.

Namjoon cocked his head a little, smiling at the name. "Yeah?"

"What exactly is Taehyung's relationship with Jungkook?" Jin asked.

"They're friends with benefits." Namjoon replied.

Seokjin gasped, "You're kidding, right? That's messed up.."

"I know, but it's what they want to do." Namjoon shrugged, "They'll learn their lesson."

"I hope it won't cause damage to their relationship," Jin said. Even though he doesn't know well, he would never wish for someone to have a bad or ruined relationship with someone they are close to.

He knows the feeling of a ruined relationship too much.

The feelings of being in love, and having his heart shattered.

One of the two is going to have a horribly broken heart, and Jin hopes it isn't as bad as he knows it will be. Friends with benefits never ends well. It's just the truth.

"Yeah. They're my friends, I wouldn't want anything bad happening between them." Namjoon nodded and they arrived where Taehyung wanted him to be. They got out of the car, and were in front of a building. Taehyung spotted them from inside and dragged them both in.

"Change into these," Taehyung gave Namjoon some clothes. "The bathrooms right over there," He pointed to the bathrooms. Namjoon gave Jin a quick kiss before walking away.

Taehyung gagged, "Gross, PDA."

Jin's facial expression softened. Taehyung says that, but Jin feels as if the younger longs for PDA. That he wants to be touched lightly, hold hands, and kiss softly in public. But that's not what happens in a friends with benefits relationship.

"Hey!" Jungkook came over, a smile on his face.

"Hello," Jin greeted.

"I heard you met Namjoon hyung's mom's, aren't they nice?" Jungkook asked.

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