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Namjoon leaned into the kiss, closing his eyes after the shock. His own hands placed themselves on Jin's waist.

Jin pulled away, Namjoon's hands still on his waist and Jin's had dropped down to his neck.

"D-do you want to be my boyfriend?" Jin asked suddenly embarrassed at the gutsy move he pulled.

Namjoon stared at him in silence, admiring the beauty that is Kim Seokjin.

Jin began to get more nervous, fidgeting and slowly pulling his arms away.

Namjoon quickly brought Jin into an embrace, hugging him tightly. "Of course." He said.

Jin got excited, quickly throwing his arms around Namjoon's neck.

Namjoon laughed, practically crushing Jin.

"O-okay that's enough!" Jin choked out, losing his breath.

"Oh, sorry." Namjoon apologized as he let go.

"It's okay," Jin smiled softly at him, cupping his face again. "I can get used to being able to cup your face."

"I can't get used to seeing your face every day," Namjoon said, "Seriously, you're too beautiful."

"Ugh, don't get me started on looks! Your dimple smile makes my heart beats so fast!" Jin stated and Namjoon smiled at him.

Jin went to drop to the ground but Namjoon caught him. "Are you okay?!" He asked.

"Yeah, your smile made me go into cardiac arrest for two seconds."

Namjoon laughed, "Come on. Let's just go home, yeah?"

Jin nodded and Namjoon took his hand into his own. They walked back to the car, Jin getting into the drivers seat and they left.

They got back to their apartments, but Jin joined Namjoon in his apartment. They sat on the couch together.

After a few minutes of getting settled, it was silent. Namjoon fidgeted a bit.

"Can we.. kiss again?" He asked, Jin being his first, and hopefully last,  boyfriend he wanted to do anything with Jin.

"Of course!" Jin sat by him, sitting on the couch entirely and was sideways.

Namjoon turned, it was sort of awkward but he felt Jin's hands place themselves on his face. Namjoon leaned in, his lips touching Jin's. The kiss felt so innocent, and pure. Full on love, full of fluttering feelings and happiness. Slow and soft, the perfect combination of words for this one kiss. It was.. affectionate, easy-going, effortless, gentle, gracious, indulgent, kind, lenient, sentimental, simple, spineless, sympathetic, tender-hearted, undemanding and so many other words that Namjoon couldn't even comprehend at this moment. Kissing Jin made him feel defenseless and weak but at the same time strong enough to defeat an entire army.

How could a simple kiss do this to him?

Jin pulled away a few seconds later.

Namjoon let out a small, satisfied sigh as he smiled to himself.

"I like kissing you," Namjoon said, as he stared at Seokjin.

"That's good, I like kissing you too." Jin laughed.

Namjoon took advantage of their positions, pushing Jin down as he hugged him tightly. Now he was laying on the side of him, halfway on top of him since the couch wasn't that big. He nuzzled into him.

"Oh!" Jin said as it happened, but he didn't resist it.

After a while of silent cuddling, Jin spoke up.

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