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A/N: Short chapter because it was easier to end it this way <3 ;)

Jin broke the kiss, having their foreheads touch. "You're so good, so good to me. Too good. You're just.. hands down amazing," He said, caressing Namjoon's face.

Namjoon smiled at him, "You have to stop saying things like that. You act like you don't deserve me, when it's actually the other way around." He put his hands on Jin's hips. "I don't want to see weird, or make you panic.. but one day I am going to marry you."

Jin snorted, "Yeah? Marry me? It's been maybe.. one month? Almost two?"

"If you want to get married right now, we can start looking for rings tomorrow. If not, I'm only waiting a few more months till I propose." Namjoon stated, kissing Jin.

"You're insane," Seokjin mumbled against the others lips.

"Insane for you," Namjoon grinned.

"Aish," Jin laughed lightly, his hands still on Namjoon's face, caressing it. He squeezed it, "I like you. A lot. Like, I like-like you."

"I like-like you too," Namjoon replied.

"Really?" Jin asked, cocking his head.


"Prove it." Jin said with a smile.

"Are you trying to provoke me?"

"Maybe." Jin said with a smirk now.

"I'm just going to have to prove it then," Namjoon grinned and kissed Jin again. Jin kisses back immediately, moving his hands around Namjoon's neck. Namjoon tilted his head, making the kiss deeper, his tongue poking out and swiping along Jin's bottom lip. Jin opened his mouth for him and his tongue slipped in. He pushed him up against the door, attempting to lift him up which Jin helped by jumping up and wrapping his legs around Namjoon's waist. Namjoon held him by his thighs and continued to make out with him. Namjoon pulled away after a few minutes staring at the now flushed Jin, who's lips were as plump as always but more irritated and red.

Jin opened his eyes when he felt nothing happening. "Why are you staring at me?" He complained.

"You're just so drop dead gorgeous," Namjoon replied.

"Yes, I know, now continue," Jin encouraged. Namjoon laughed before pecking his lips, and kissing along Jin's jaw. Which caused him to shiver, tilting his head upwards to give Namjoon access to his neck. His head hit the door lightly, but it didn't bother him. He kissed his way down his neck. He grinned happily, "My old marks are still there," He could see the light marks that used to be dark, they were fading away because they were made almost a week ago.

Jin groaned lightly, "Who cares, make new ones."

"You Like hickeys?" Namjoon asked.

"Mhm, yes, totally, now hurry up. I'm impatient." Jin said.

"Okay, Okay," Namjoon laughed a little before attaching his mouth to Jin's neck. He bit onto the skin and started to suck. Jin's hands travelled to Namjoon's hair as he let out a pleased hum, feeling his tongue go over the small area before moving onto a different one. He bit and sucked harder on this one, causing Jin to let out a light moan as he tugged softly at his hair.

Namjoon's hands travelled upwards, making their way to Jin's butt. He squeezed and kneaded them. He detached himself from Jin's neck. "We're doing this?"

Jin nodded eagerly.

"You got it then, baby." Namjoon smirked a little before walking towards the bedroom, Jin still in his arms, his hands still on his ass. He put him down on the bed and took off his own shirt. Jin also took his own shirt off, throwing it to the side. Namjoon got on top of him, kissing down Jin's chest but not before pecking his lips softly. Jin squirmed under him slightly and let out a gasp when Namjoon began to suck on his skin again.

"Yesss," He dragged out the syllables as he moaned quietly.

Namjoon was becoming impatient and tugged at Jin's pants, trying to take them off.

Then the door was knocked on.

"Fuck!" Jin yelled out, upset that they were interrupted once again. Why was everything cockblocking him?!

Namjoon let out a groan. "Seriously?" He complained, getting off Jin. "Here," He picked a shirt off the ground for Jin to put on. It was actually his, but Jin threw it on anyways. He got up and walked to the door, Namjoon following close behind him. Jin opened the door begrudgingly, wanting to yell at whoever disturbed them, but knowing better than that.


Jin's eyebrows furrowed, wondering (why) she was here.

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