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A/N: WARNING!! SMUT AHEAD. Yes i know, FINALLY. I suck at writing smut so please excuse that. This is lowkey kinda sorta detailed

Namjoon pulled Jin's pants down, who helped by kicking them off. He let himself feel up and down Jin's body, causing him to shiver. "You're so perfect.. like you're sculpted by every god and goddess on earth." Namjoon hummed, running his fingers over even more lightly on the other's thighs, then bringing them down his calves. Jin's muscles clenched as Namjoon did that.

"Namjoon," He complained, "You said you'd be nice," Seokjin whined.

"I am being nice, aren't I? I'm complimenting you," Namjoon smirked slightly, pulling down on the waistband of Jin's boxers.

"Y-yes, now hurry up," Jin tried to push his boxers off more quickly and Namjoon finally complied.

"Are you flexible?" He asked as he put Jin's leg over his shoulder and went forward, bending it. "Oh, guess you are," He answered himself, Jin huffed.

"Get the lube already, in the bedside drawer." Jin demanded and Namjoon just laughed, getting the lube.

"Any condoms?"

"I haven't had sex in 3 years and you'd really think I'd have condoms? Fuck it," Jin replied.

Namjoon wanted to laugh more, "You had lube but no condoms?"

"I don't need condoms to masturbate," Jin replied as he heard the click of the bottle opening and it squirting out.

"That's true," Namjoon replied as he applied much lube to his fingers. He brought Seokjin's leg over his shoulders again, he prodded at Jin's hole. It made the other quiver, and soon he felt the cold finger entering him and let out a low moan. Namjoon put his free hand on Jin's other thigh, slowly dragging his hand up and down softly as he pushed his finger in deeper. He waited a bit before being to pump it in and out. Jin moaned, trying to buck his hips.

Namjoon let it happen as he inserted a second finger, slowly thrusting before beginning to scissor him. Jin let out whines and moans. After a while he put in another finger, curling them inside of Jin causing him to groan. Jin's hands were on each side of him, clutching onto the sheets tightly. A few minutes later after more thrusting and a couple of complaints from Jin, Namjoon took his fingers out. It caused Seokjin to let out a loud whine from feeling empty.

"Are you sure that you want me to go in with no condom?" Namjoon asked, wanting to confirm.

"You're cl-clean, right?" Jin asked, panting slightly.

"Yeah, of course." Namjoon replied.

"So am I, so it doesn't matter. Go. Now." Jin answered, wanting to be filled once more. Namjoon smiled a little before lubing himself. He positioned himself before pushing into Jin. His leg got pushed up more, his thigh barely touching his chest. He moaned as he moved his leg, not wanting it up anymore.

"Let's change the position," Namjoon whispered and pulled out, causing Jin to whine again. "Get on all fours, please."

Jin turned around, propping himself up on his arms, arching his back with his ass in the air. Namjoon's hands traveled down Jin's sides. He was on his knees and he pushed into Jin again, putting himself over him and kissing the back of the others neck softly, trailing kisses down his back as he let Jin adjust to his size. Jin let out a long, drawn out moan as his hands grabbed at the sheets. 

"Tell me when to move," Namjoon whispered, groaning when Jin's walls clenched around him momentarily. 

Jin let out a soft whimper, then a breathy moan, "Move, move please. Move, now." Jin demanded.

Namjoon obeyed him, wanting him to get the most pleasure out of this. He slowly pulled back, giving slow thrusts. He got deeper and deeper each thrust, which made Jin moan each time.

"F-Faster," Jin said and as soon as he did Namjoon snapped his hips, thrusting in fast and hard. Jin let out a loud moan, his face now pressed to the pillow as Namjoon fucked into him. He felt Namjoon pull out, but then in seconds he felt filled again. Namjoon thrusted in a different angle now, perfectly hitting Seokjin's prostate, causing him to practically scream in pleasure. 

"Shh, baby, there's other neighbors," Namjoon had his hands on Jin's hips, gripping them so hard it might leave bruises. He kept pounding into the same spot, Jin buried his face into a pillow to muffle his loud moans. Namjoon sped up, the thrusts becoming erratic. He added a hand to Jin's dick, beginning to jerk him off.

"Oh- Oh, Namjoon, Joon. Fuck, m' close," Jin moaned out once he felt the familar feeling in the pit of his abdomen.

Namjoon just made a small noise of acknowledgment, still thrusting and jerking, Jin then moaned as he came onto his sheets and partly on Namjoon's hand, his dick twitching slightly. Namjoon pulled out once he felt that he was going to cum. Jin let out a groan, "Fuck," He glanced over at Namjoon from the corner of his eye, "You didn't cum..?" He asked, nearly breathless. 

"I didn't want to just.. cum in you." Namjoon stated, if he did then during the bath he was going to run for them both would've just turned into another round since he would have had to clean it out of Jin.

Jin moved, sitting up. He lowered his head a little and opened his mouth wide, then he pointed to it. Namjoon groaned at how hot Jin looked just from doing something as simple as that. He began to jerk himself off, pointing it towards Jin's mouth before cumming with a moan. It got inside of Jin's mouth, which he swallowed. He licked up the rest that was on his lips and chin. Namjoon was panting with his eyes closed before he opened them again. He saw how tired Jin looked from just that.

"Hey, don't fall asleep. We need to wash up and change the sheets." Namjoon said.

"Ugh, It's sad because I know you're right," Jin complained as he got off the bed, Namjoon did too. They ended up showering together, and changing the sheets. They also decided to open a window since..

The entire room smelt like 섹스 (sex).


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