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The day continued with on and off outbursts of Jin crying. It would be silent and content one moment and then next Jin's bottom lip would be quivering and he'd start sobbing more.

Namjoon was currently in the kitchen, getting Jin a cup of water. He came back in to his room and saw Jin crying once again. "Baby, you're going to become dehydrated, drink some water." He said, getting into the bed with the cup in hand. He knew Jin couldn't do it on his own, so he put the cup up to Seokjin's lips and tilted it upwards, letting him drink it.

After Jin pulled away Namjoon set the glass down besides the bed, then sat up on the bed. He grabbed Jin, pressing him into him. Namjoon gave him a kiss on the forehead, "Sweetie, I'm here. You need to talk about it more, you can't just go on and off with the crying. Okay? Tell me about how you're feeling. Talk to me. Explain."

"I don't know what I'm feeling." Jin admitted, lip quivering. "I love you, but seeing the one I loved hurts. I really want to get over him, I do.. But he left such a big imprint on me. I don't want him anymore! Why did he have to come back?" He began to cry more.

"Jin, it's okay." Namjoon kissed his cheeks.

"I really don't know how I feel.. maybe I feel like shit? Because I left him like that? But I don't like him anymore!" Jin tried to make sense of the situation he was in. He didn't understand how he felt. He's never felt like this before.

"Guilt?" Namjoon asked, "You feel guilty?"

"Yeah." Jin nodded, wiping his tears and hiccuping. His face was puffy, and his eyes were red.

"Why? You shouldn't feel guilty, he should." Namjoon said, "He should feel guilty for leaving you without saying anything, for leaving for 3 years at that! Just because you moved on shouldn't make you feel guilty, okay? People move on, they stop looking at the past." Namjoon caressed the older's cheeks, "Remember when I took you out to see the sunset? Like I said the next day after that date while on the swings.. You can't hold onto your ex forever. Time passes by, and it was bound to happen."

Jin nodded, "Yeah, you're right." He whispered, leaning forward and capturing Namjoon's lips in a soft kiss. "Thank you," He mumbled.

"You don't need to thank me," Namjoon replied, a small smile on his face. He pulled Jin into his lap, locking his arms around the others waist. He put his head on the middle of Jin's back. Jin let out a sigh of content.

"I'm sorry," Jin apologized after a while of silence and cuddling.

"Why?" Namjoon asked.

"We were about to do it," Jin stated as if it was obvious. "I'm sorry that I became a mess and we couldn't,"

Namjoon let out a laugh, "Don't apologize about that! We can do it another time, but you were hurting then. So of course we had to stop, I'm not a heartless bastard."

Jin smiled a little, turning around in Namjoon's lap. "Thank you, I love you so much." He murmured before he kissed Namjoon's lips repeatedly.

"I love you too." Namjoon hummed.

"Were you prepared?" Jin asked.

"For today? Like sex? Yes. I was. I had taken a condom, and planned everything out. I didn't want to do it last night, because I felt you'd be too tired. So I planned to do it today, in this exact bed." Namjoon laughed.

"Seriously? You did all that just for me?" Jin said with a smile.

"Of course! I even watched some porn yesterday to teach me," He wiggled his eyebrows jokingly.

"You're so sweet," Jin sighed happily. "I'm working tomorrow, but the next day I'm not.." He trailed off.

Namjoon grinned, pressing their foreheads together. "Maybe I'll just have to plan everything all over again."

Jin sighed dreamily, "I can't wait," He put his head in the crook of Namjoon's neck, kissing it softly. Namjoon put his hands through Jin's hair, soothing the elder more.

After a while Jin finally moved, picking up his phone from the bed side table. He decided to scroll through his social media to calm him, looking at all the nice comments he gets. Namjoon grabbed his own phone and texted Yoongi.

Min Yoongi (Agust D)

Jin's ex came by today


Jin's ex came by today. Literally. Came to JIN'S house and knocked on the door. I know this is tmi but we were about to do it and he came knocking on the door

What the fuck? Does he want to get jumped or something? Who does he think he is? How does he even know where Jin lives?

I have no idea. Jin just calmed down (it's BEEN 5 HOURS)

Does he want us to come over?

I don't know I'll ask

Namjoon looked up from his phone, "Do you want Yoongi and Hoseok to come over?"

Jin looked up for a moment before shaking his head, "No, it's fine."

"Okay, well I'm going to go out and get some food." Namjoon said as he stood up, quickly texting Yoongi a reply.

"Wait," Jin grabbed onto Namjoon's wrist, "Don't leave me." He had a small frown on his face.

"But I have to go get some food. I'm only going to get some ramen at the corner store and I'll be back," Namjoon replied.

"I'll go with you, please?" Jin asked and Namjoon sighed a little. He wanted Jin to rest, but it wasn't worth trying to convince him to stay.

"Okay, Fine." Namjoon replied, and Jin smiled. Namjoon left the room to get his shoes on as Jin put himself together. All Jin did really was change into casual clothes and brush his messy hair. They walked out together, holding hands. Since it was just the corner store they didn't bother getting in a car and driving. Jin hummed, his eyes were closed.

He honestly was very tired, but he wouldn't stay in his home without Namjoon. A ding signaled that they were now inside the small store. Namjoon already knew what he wanted, and knew what Jin would want so it was quick. Namjoon bought it for them and they left.

Seokjin squeezed Namjoon's hand as they made it up to their apartments.

"What's wrong?" Namjoon asked.

"I'm so tired.." Jin yawned, obviously drained from all the crying.

"When we get back in here you need to sleep." Namjoon said, unlocking the door to Jin's home.


"No buts, I want you to sleep." Namjoon stated, putting down the bag of ramen on the couch before lifting Jin in his arms, bridal style. Jin gasped, not expecting Namjoon to pick him up. "I'm bringing you to your bed, and you are going to sleep." He walked towards Jin's room, going in and placing him in his bed. He took Jin's shoes off for him, and put his phone on the charger. He grabbed the blanket and pulled it over him.  Namjoon then gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"I'll be here when you wake up," He reassured, turning to walk out.

"Namjoon," Jin called out.

He looked back at Jin, "Yes, sweetheart?"

"Thank you, I love you." He said with a tired smile.

"No need to thank me, I love you too." Namjoon returned a smile before leaving the room.

He left and made some ramen.

He needed some 시각 (time) to think about what happened today.

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