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Namjoon sat up abruptly, breathing hard and sweating. His eyes were opened but the light was blinding. He squinted and began to get used to the light as he heard someone gasp by him. He looked around and saw Jin sitting in a chair.

"Namjoon!" The older sobbed, getting up and hugging Namjoon tightly.

"What? What's wrong?" Namjoon asked, patting Jin's back. He was confused. What happened?

"You got in a car accident with Jungkook!" Jin explained, tears falling down. "I'm so glad you're okay, the doctors just said you had minor injuries and nothing seemed too major. They let you rest here."

Namjoon's eyes widened. "Where's Jungkook?" He asked.

"..Jungkook got the worst of it," Jin admitted.

"What?!" Namjoon said, his eyes glazing over. Jungkook was like a little brother to him, not only that but he knew Jungkook looked up to him. To know that it was his fault that they got into a car accident, and that Jungkook got the worst of it made him feel like shit.

"He lost some memories. The only thing he remembers is me." Jin said, a frown on his face.

Namjoon's started to tear up, "Seriously?" He asked, the tears falling down. Jin nodded sadly.

"Fuck," Namjoon's shoulders slumped. "I'm horrible." He stated.

"It's not your fault," Jin said, holding Namjoon's hand. "He's alive. He just lost some memories, and they say it's possible for him to get them back if we all help him."

"No.. Jin it was my fault. I was the one driving, and now he's suffering the consequences." Namjoon cried. "How long has it even been?" He asked, sniffling.

"3 Days," Jin stated, "You were so shaken up that you rested for so long, Jungkook woke up yesterday."

After some more explaining, Namjoon continued to cry and Jin comforted him. The doctors came in and explained some stuff about himself before he was discharged. Immediately, he made his way towards Jungkook's room.

"Jungkook.." Namjoon said as he walked in, ignoring Taehyung's presence by accident.

Jungkook looked over at Namjoon and cocked his head. "I'm sorry.. who are you?"

Namjoon bit his lip to stop from crying more, "I-I'm Kim Namjoon.. your hyung?"

"I'm sorry.. I don't know you." Jungkook replied, "I lost my memories apparently. The only person I remember is Jin." He said with a smile, looking at Jin.

Jin sadly frowned, "Jungkook, you don't me."

"Yes I do," Jungkook defended, "Your hangover soup was great and you look super handsome."

"Why did you have my hangover soup?" Jin asked.

"I.. don't know." Jungkook admitted. "I just remember it."

"I hate you," Taehyung interrupted, aiming the words at Namjoon before storming out.

Namjoon felt confused, following after Taehyung. "Tae! What do you mean? What did I do?" He asked. Taehyung stopped walking and Namjoon caught up to him.

"You asshole!" Taehyung shoved Namjoon.


"You got into a crash, while Kookie was in there with you and now he doesn't remember me!" Taehyung cried.

Namjoon stared at him, "Are you blaming me?" He asked.

"Yes! Yes I am!" Taehyung replied.

Namjoon continued to stare at him, more shocked. "Are you kidding me?" He seethed, "You're blaming me? This wouldn't have happened if you didn't kick him out of your house cause' you wanted a good fuck!" He yelled at him, "And Don't act like he just doesn't remember you! He doesn't remember me either! Stop being so selfish, he doesn't remember anyone except Jin! So don't start up with this pointing fingers shit, acting like you're entitled!" He snapped, "You sure as hell knew that boy loved you, but you just wanted to keep him around for the fucks of it! Maybe this is good, maybe him losing his memories is the best thing that's happened to him! Now, he won't have to remember how poorly you treated him!"

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