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Jin moves a little in his sleep, cuddling into the warmth that was presented to him in his sleepy state, which he didn't want to be woken up from.

A knock on the door made him stir, mumbling something incoherent as he opened his eyes. He saw Namjoon in front of him, also asleep which made him smile.

The knock got louder and even faster.

Jin groaned, trying to wake up Namjoon. "Namjoon, someone's knocking on the door." He whined lowly and Namjoon mumbled, turning around.

"'S Fine." Namjoon said in a deep, raspy voice.

The knock continued.

Jin let out another whine, "Joonie, get the door." He dragged out the syllables in the last word, pushing Namjoon lightly who got up begrudgingly.

Namjoon rubbed his eyes as he opened the door.

"Hey, Namjoon!" It was Vanessa, his mostly American mother.

"G' morning." He replied, tired.

"Good morning to you too!" She smiled, "Your mother and I need you to stay home today. If that's okay with the two of you? We just really need the help, we have to set up for a party and it'd be a lot easier with some help." She explained.

Namjoon just nodded along, barely paying attention to what she was saying.

"You can stay right?"

"Mhm." He said.

"Great! We have a suit for you, but you'll need to get Jin's measurements so we can get him one quickly. Okay? Breakfast will be served in an hour, bye!" Vanessa said and left.

Namjoon sighed and closed the door, walking back to the bed and plopping down on it. By now, Jin was more awake having snooped on the one-sided conversation.

"Party?" Jin asked. If he was a dog, his ears would've perked up right now.

"Mhm," Namjoon grumbled.

"Sounds Like fun! Good thing I don't have work tomorrow." Jin said, excitedly, sitting up in bed.

"Jin, go back to sleep," Namjoon complained, "Breakfast won't be ready for another hour." He managed to say, his eyes closed and his head against the pillow.

Jin stared down at Namjoon, smiling softly. Namjoon patted Jin's pillow lazily, silently telling him to put his head down.

Seokjin did that, laying his head down on Namjoon's hand, who took his hand back almost immediately. Jin stayed awake as he watched Namjoon's beautiful, sleeping face for a while.

He saw the way his face would scrunch occasionally, or how his eyelashes perfectly fanned out on his cheeks. The way Namjoon breathes softly, and calmly which makes Seokjin's heart swell, thinking of times in the future that they'll have together cuddling.  The way Namjoon's lips look so pink, and pretty and Jin just wants to kiss them.

He kind of also wants to make the other's lips red, swollen, and wet, but he knows in this relationship that his own lips would be getting that kind of treatment.

Jin reached out, his hand caressing Namjoon's smooth cheek. "Aish, so pretty." He pouted a little.

It's so upsetting seeing good looking people!

Not that he isn't good looking himself.. He doesn't know why but it frustrates him.

What's even more frustrating? The fact that when Namjoon smiled his dimples show and Jin has the huge urge to poke them.

Really badly.

He really wants to poke Namjoon's dimples.

Who can blame him?

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