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Namjoon's eyes widened in shock. Why was she suddenly acting like Taehyung was a horrible person? Yeah, he is kind of shitty, but everyone can be like that.

"I..uh. Um.. okay?" Namjoon said, letting it sink in.

"Thank you," His mother said with a warm smile. "I just feel this entire situation wouldn't have happened if Jungkook hadn't known Taehyung. I don't like that kids attitude, so I'd prefer that he isn't around Jungkook anymore," His mom explained.

"That's.. understandable. Thank you for not blaming me," Namjoon replied.

Jin, who was behind Namjoon, was shocked too. He only knew about how Taehyung and Jungkook both wanted a relationship but something going on between them stopped them from doing so, from confessing to each other. So of course he felt bad too.

"However," His mom spoke again, "Once Jungkook is recollected, able to remember everything.. able to make his own decisions without regret.. that's the only time I'll allow Taehyung to be with him. If Jungkook is aware of the past for them, and still wants to be with Taehyung then so be it,"

Jin nearly let out a sigh of relief. He's glad that Jungkook's mother will let him do his own thing once he's fully recollected.

Namjoon nodded, "I'm glad. Anyways, Jungkook when do you get discharged?"

"In two more days, I think." Jungkook stated.

"You remember what you do for a living? And your hobbies?" Jin asked.

Jungkook gasped, "Now that you reminded me, yes. I model Taehyung's clothes, and I play overwatch?" Jungkook said as he was thinking.

Namjoon smiled wide, "That's right."

"We're a few more steps to full recovery!" Jungkook said with a smile on his face.

"Yes, you are." Namjoon nodded. Jungkook's parents had left the room after Jungkook's dad got a call.

It was just Jin and Namjoon with Jungkook.

"Do you want to stay in touch with Taehyung?" Jin asked.

"Seeing how he reacted to me losing my memories, I feel like I'm important to him." Jungkook replied, looking up at the blank ceiling. "I feel like I meant a lot to him for him to cry and blame Namjoon hyung. It wasn't just a fuck buddy basis, right?"

"That's correct," Namjoon nodded, "You are business partners, and friends too."

"I feel like I meant more than that," Jungkook admitted.

"Can I butt in?" Jin asked and they both nodded.

"One time.. I was holding hands with Namjoon, and I saw the looks on not just yours, but Taehyung's face too.. It was like some sort of longing to be able to do the same. To hold hands." Jin explained.

"Do you think I had feelings for him, Jin hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"Unfortunately, Yeah. I think the feelings were reciprocated too, and you both just couldn't bring yourselves to confess. I don't know why, but it definitely felt like that." Jin responded.

"Maybe I did, hopefully I remember." Jungkook pouted a little.

Namjoon looked at the time, seeing it was around 4 by now. "Anyways, kiddo, we'll get going. Yeah? I'll try to visit tomorrow, Okay?" Namjoon said as he got up, Jin did the same.

"Oh, Bye Namjoon hyung, Jin hyung! Thank you for visiting today." Jungkook smiled and waved to them as they walked out of the hospital room.

"I think he'll remember more when he leaves the hospital, staying so cooped up in the same room has to be restricting him." Namjoon said as they walked to the parking lot.

"You're probably right." Jin nodded, "I hope he does. I'd like to see him alive and thriving, at his best. I haven't known him for long, but it feels like I have." Jin stated as they got into his car. He started the engine and they drove back to their apartments.

"Thanks for taking me there today, we can visit tomorrow too, right?" Namjoon asked.

"I have work tomorrow, but in the morning we can." Jin reassured.

"I hope Jungkook remembers everything, I don't want Taehyung to be upset since Jungkook's mom doesn't want him seeing him unless he remembers." Namjoon said, "I don't know why, but I'd feel so guilty."

Jin looked at him for a moment before focusing on the road again. "You know why, you just don't want to say it. It's understandable though, but either way we have to help him remember." Jin stated.

Namjoon nodded, "Yeah." The rest of the car ride was silent till they got back to the apartments.

Jin kissed Namjoon after he opened his door, "I have to go to work today, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, of course." Namjoon smiled, his dimples showing as Jin entered his house. Namjoon then went to his own house, stretching and falling on to the couch. After a few minutes he got up and got his laptop.

He typed in " 약혼 (engagement) ring designs."

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