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They had fallen asleep in Jin's bed, cuddling peacefully. Namjoon had no pants on though, because he normally sleeps in his boxers. They were spooning when Jin woke up, and he yawned. He attempted to stretch, but didn't want to wake Namjoon up so he decided against it. Then he got hungry so he got up anyways, as quietly and peacefully he could. Jin was surprised when Namjoon didn't wake up. He grabbed his phone quickly, snapping a picture of sleeping Joon. He walked into his kitchen and began making pancakes for them. When he was in the middle of making them he felt a strong pair of arms wrap around his waist and a face in the crook of his neck.

"Good morning, Joonie." Jin said, putting the finished pancake onto a plate full of other ones.

"G'morning," Namjoon mumbled into the elder's skin. He inhaled the scent of Jin, and also the scent of the pancakes.

"Did you sleep well?" Jin asked, making another one.

"Yeah, because you were there." Namjoon smiled.

"That was full cheese." Jin rolled his eyes, he moved his head to the side and Namjoon took his own head off his shoulder. Jin kissed him on the cheek, flipping the pancake.

"My cooking baby," Namjoon smiled, squeezing Jin.

"Aish, go sit down. It's almost done," Jin said.

"Okay," Namjoon hummed, unraveling his arms from Jin's waist. He patted Jin's  butt before walking to the table.

"Hey!" He yelped when he felt the pat.

Namjoon snickered a little, "What? I didn't do anything!"

"Liar," Jin said, putting the Now finished pancake onto the plate. He brought the plate over, putting it into the middle of the table. Then he got two more plates and utensils for the both of them. They both put pancakes on their own plates and began to eat.

"Did you dream about my handsome face?" Jin asked and Namjoon snorted.

"Of course, Worldwide cutie guy." Namjoon replied.

Jin rolled his eyes and laughed a little.

"I love you," Namjoon said suddenly, "And thank you for making breakfast. I like your cooking too."

"I love you too.. but you only like my cooking? You don't love it? Really?" Jin asked.

"I can't love something else when I already love you," Namjoon replied with a grin.

Jin nearly choked on his food, "I swear! This cheese is too much!" He complained. Namjoon blew him a small kiss. Jin dramatically caught it in his hands.

"Did you just catch my kiss?"



"I'm going to put it in my pocket and keep it forever!"

"And you're telling me I'm cheesy. Okay."

When they finished eating they washed the dishes together, mostly Jin because he didn't want Namjoon breaking anything.

They were cuddling on the couch now. They woke up pretty late, around 11 a.m., so now it was around 1 p.m.

Namjoon was kissing Jin's neck once more, but this time he bit down on the smooth skin. Jin gasped, squirming a little.

"N-Namjoon," He stuttered as the younger began to suck on the skin. Once he was satisfied he stopped, licking over the irritated skin. Namjoon moved around, now on top of Jin. He smiled down at him.

"What was that?" He said, shocked.

"You know what it was," Namjoon replied.

"Well yeah, but I didn't expect it!" Jin said.

"Expect it baby," Namjoon said, leaning down again and initiating a kiss with Jin. He swiped his tongue against Jin's plump bottom lip, and the other responded by opening his mouth. Namjoon's tongue slipped in and they made out. They broke away to breathe once they were out of breath, and Namjoon began to kiss down Jin's jaw. He got to Jin's neck and left another hickey, and another, and another. He continued to trail down. It caused Seokjin to let out pants and small groans. He got to the collarbone before Jin's shirt got in the way.

Namjoon let out an annoyed huff, tugging the shirt up, "Take this off," He said gruffly.

"Are you sure about this?" Jin asked, taking his shirt off.

"Very," Namjoon replied, eagerly going back to leaving hickeys. "You have lube, right?" He asked as he trailed down Jin's chest. It caused Seokjin to shiver, moaning lightly as he nodded.

"Y-Yeah, in my room." He replied. His hands were in Namjoon's hair, tugging at it every now and then. Namjoon began to grind down on Seokjin, causing him to moan at the friction of their crotches together.

"Oh, that sounded good." Namjoon said, satisfied.

Jin tugged at his shirt, "T-Take it off, this is unfair." He whined, gasping as Namjoon licked a stripe right over his nipple. Namjoon took his own shirt off. Jin let out a satisfied noise, touching over Namjoon's chest.

It was getting heated, and he was about to pull down Seokjin's pants before the bell rang. He let out an annoyed groan. The bell continued to be rung, and knocking soon came.

Jin rolled his eyes, "Seriously?!" He said, frustrated. Namjoon got off him, Jin picked up his own shirt and put it on.

He walked to the door and Namjoon followed behind him.

Seokjin then opened the door.

And there he stood.

The one that made his heart break.

His ex boyfriend.

Jin's eyes widened, and Namjoon could tell they were full of emotions.

"Jin!" The person said.

"I-Ichirou.." Jin's eyes glazed over and he began shaking his head, "No, no, no," He began repeating over and over again.

Namjoon wanted to punch the guy in the face, shut the door and comfort Jin.

But that's not acceptable. The guy didn't do something truly wrong, but he kind of sort of broke Jin's heart and that pisses Namjoon off.

"I got over you, damn it." The tears began to fall, "You left me! And now you're just going to show up?!" He started yelling. "You can't do that!"

Ichirou stared at Jin, "Jin.."

Namjoon guesses that he didn't see the hickey's on Jin's neck, because right now he was going in to caress Jin's cheek.

"Hey!" Namjoon said quickly, smacking Ichirou's hand away. "Don't touch him," He growled out, "He's not yours anymore," He grabbed Jin, pulling him closer to him.

"O-Oh.." Ichirou suddenly realized. "Sorry.."

"You better be," Namjoon glared at him, bringing Jin in and shutting the door. He moved them to the couch and held Jin tightly, letting him cry.

"F-Fuck," Jin stuttered out, sniffling. "I got over him," He said and repeated a few more times. "This isn't fair, he isn't fair. Fuck, I don't like him anymore." He cried more.

"Jin, it's okay." Namjoon rubbed his back. He could feel Seokjin's tears dripping down his bare skin.

"N-no! It isn't! I love you, Namjoon!" Jin exclaimed, "B-but he came back, what do I do?" He sobbed.

"Jin.. I'm going to be blunt with you. The only reason you told me you love me right there was because you're reminding yourself. You still like him, and I know you do." Namjoon replied, "I don't care, just as long as you don't leave me. Okay? I love you too," He pulled Jin's face away from his shoulder before kissing him lightly.

"Jin, I love you. Okay? You can get through this, it's okay. You don't need to love him, he left for three years. You don't need him to love you, you have me." Namjoon reminded him. Jin nodded, his eyes puffy and red. "You're okay baby." He kissed Seokjin's head as he hiccuped. "You're okay." He whispered.

"고맙습니다 (Thank you)," Jin said, his voice full of confusion and other unknown emotions.

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