분홍색으로 칠했다

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It was finally Monday! He had the entire day off and didn't know what to do. He was leaving the house, going to see Yoongi. (Wearing this)

(Pink hair tho)

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(Pink hair tho)

When he opened the door he was greeted by a nervous Namjoon holding flowers.

"Oh!" Jin exclaimed.

"Ah, Jin hyung." Namjoon looked up, "I didn't think you were busy today.. Here are some flowers." He handed them to Jin, who took them, put them in a vase which was filled with water.

"Thank you, they looked lovely," Jin commented as he walked back.

"I was wondering if you'd want to go on another date today?" Namjoon asked.

"I'd love to, but I told Yoongi I'd come hang out with him. You're more than welcome to come though! It's at his studio, so you can listen to his new songs early." Jin stated.

"Really?" Namjoon asked.

"Of course! Come on," Jin grabbed Namjoon's wrist and brought him to his car. "I'm not telling him I'm bringing you, so it'll be a mess when we get there. He tends to leave his papers around, but Hoseok usually helps him organize." Jin explained as he drove.

"They really like eachother, don't they?" Namjoon asked.

Jin nodded, "Yeah. High school sweethearts."

Namjoon cooed a little, "That's cute,"

"Mhm," Jin said. He played some music and they soon arrived at the studio. "Come with me," He said as he got out he car, Namjoon following after him.

Jin walked towards the front desk.

"Welcome to the Min corporation, how may I help you?" The lady asked.

"I'm here to see Min Yoongi? It's me, Kim Seokjin." Jin stated.

"Oh! Mr. Kim, I'll let you up right away. Who is this?" The lady asked.

"His name is Kim Namjoon, also didn't I tell you? Call me Jin, or Mr. Seokjin if anything. It'll be hard to call us both Mr. Kim." Jin said.

"Oh.. um.. that's kind of unprofessional." The lady said.

"Not if I told you to do."

"Well Mr. Jin, Mr. Min doesn't enjoy having uncalled for guests." She pointed out, talking about Namjoon.

"It's fine. He knows."

"Oh, well go ahead in."

"Thank you," Jin slightly bowed, and so did Namjoon. Then they left, and walked into the elevator. He clicked the third to top floor.

"The Min Corporation?" Namjoon asked suddenly.

"Oh yeah! His dad owns this company, and gave him an entire floor for the studio. His dad spoils him too much, the step mom is the mean one. Since he's the only child his dad spoils him and treats him very well. Well actually, he isn't really spoiled, he'll only except things if he worked for it. In the end Yoongi will take over this corporation and change it if he can or wants to." Jin answered and they finally arrived.

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