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The next morning Namjoon and Jin went to the hospital again to talk to Jungkook.

"What's 3 times 7?" Jin asked.

"..." Jungkook paused, "21." He stated finally.

"Namjoon, are you sure this is normal? This is simple math, and he's hesitating to answer." Jin said, worried.

"Oh, don't worry. He's always been like this, you see those muscles he has? He's all brawn, no brains." Namjoon laughed and Jungkook huffed.

"I feel like I remember you guys teasing me all the time because of that." Jungkook said.


"Not Jin hyung," Jungkook added.

"Oh. Yeah, but we still love you Kookie." Namjoon said with a smile. "A lot. You're like a baby brother to almost all of us. Aside from Taehyung."

"That'd be weird if he thought of me as his baby brother." Jungkook stated.

"Yeah." Namjoon nodded.

Jin checked the time, not realizing so much time passed.

"Ah, Crap. We gotta go, I have to go to work." He said, standing up.

"Oh! Bye hyungs. Have a good day!" Jungkook said with a smile, waving them goodbye.

"Bye!" Jin said, rushing out.

"Bye, Jimin is going to pass by later by the way, so you won't be lonely day." Namjoon said before running after Jin. They quickly got into the car and Jin dropped Namjoon off at home. Namjoon gave him a kiss before leaving to his apartment. He looked up how far Yoongi's company was from where he is, it's not a long walk so he decided to walk there. When he got there the secretary up front asked him what he was there for.

"I came here to see Min Yoongi? Is he in his studio?" Namjoon asked. "I'm a friend of his,"

"Kim Namjoon?" She asked and he nodded.

"Ah, He said to let you up to his studio any time you want to, even if he isn't there. I am pretty sure he's not there right now, because he is out for lunch, but I'm sure he'll be back soon." She said with a smile.

"Thank you," He bowed slightly before using the elevator and getting to Yoongi's studio. The floor had been unlocked for him so he could get into the studio. (I used to live in an apartment where your floor, was YOUR FLOOR the entire floor was your house so you could lock the elevator door from opening on that floor. Very safe 10/10 recommend. )

Namjoon walked in and went to the recording area, automatically trying to get to their music. After he found them, he decided to start playing with some beats. By the time Yoongi came back, he saw Namjoon bumping his head to the beat he had created.

"That sounds good," Yoongi said and Namjoon jumped out the seat.

"You scared me," Namjoon said, sitting back down. "Thanks, I was just playing around with it."

"It sounds very good. Do you know anything you'd use it for, cause if not I'd love to use it." Yoongi said and walked over to him.

"Of course you can use it, it's your equipment anyways." Namjoon answered.

"Hm. Thanks. Save it for me," Yoongi said before going to his mini fridge and getting water for the both of them. He handed a bottle to Namjoon. "So, why're you here?"

"Jin went to work after we went to the hospital to see Jungkook. So, I decided to walk here from my house. I have nothing to do," He admitted. "I want to get a job but my mom's want me to take over the business.. but like they haven't stopped working. So, they just give me money. Which leads to me having nothing to do." He complained.

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