소셜 미디어

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소셜 미디어
(Social media)

Age: 21Namjoon is a very famous underground rapper, many people sometimes even pay him

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Age: 21
Namjoon is a very famous underground rapper, many people sometimes even pay him. Most his followers are his fans from the rapping, the other ones are there for his good looks. He has photos of him taken from his fans that are of him on stage. Others are professional photo shoots, or selcas. His schooling is unknown, and so is his degree. It's told that he graduated college early. Works small jobs here and there, since he gets most his money from his very supportive family.

 Works small jobs here and there, since he gets most his money from his very supportive family

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Age: 23
Seokjin is a culinary graduate, who is also a famous internet chef. He makes recipes and posts them on his social media. He also posts selfies for his fans who like his gorgeous face. He barely posts selcas, but he does post pictures of him that other people take. When he goes to big conventions many of his fans take photos. Also Yoongi takes some photos for him. He wants to own a restaurant one day.

Age: 22Yoongi is a self produced rapper

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Age: 22
Yoongi is a self produced rapper. It's like a soundcloud rapper, but he's actually getting money for what he does. "Rose conspiracy" is his second mixtape, his first mixtape was "Agust D". He definitely isn't poor, but that'll make you think "Why did Jin live with him in the first place then?" Yoongi had lived in a cozy apartment and not some rich penthouse because he wanted to. Having a penthouse was too much effort for him, so he decided having a roommate in an apartment was better. Dating Hoseok.

Age: 21Hoseok is Yoongi's boyfriend

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Age: 21
Hoseok is Yoongi's boyfriend. He's an underground dancer (hence why he knows Namjoon). He also does street performing, which is where people give him money sometimes. One time, someone gave him 100 dollars and it made his entire week. He doesn't just do that though, he also has a small job teaching kids how to dance. The parents pay him a lot for the lessons since he's one of the best. Plus, the kids learn from him quickly. The kids he teaches usually choose the hair color he has.

Age: 20Taehyung is a student in college for a degree in design

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Age: 20
Taehyung is a student in college for a degree in design. He really likes designing clothes and wearing cute clothes. Most of his closet is his beautiful creations. One day he wants to make a line called "KTH", which is his initials. His dream is to be able to go to Fashion Week in Paris. Though he always goes to Fashion Week in Seoul whenever he gets the chance. His photographer is Jimin, and his model is Jungkook. However, he models his own clothes sometimes.

Age: 20Jimin is a student in college for a degree in photography

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Age: 20
Jimin is a student in college for a degree in photography. He loves taking photos of scenery, and people. Whenever anyone wants him to take photos for them, he makes sure to charge them. A lot of people actually want him to take pictures for them despite the fact his prices are outrageous. He takes photos for families and weddings. However when Taehyung wants photos to be taken, he charges extra because he knows Taehyung has the money and trusts no one else to take the pictures for him.

 However when Taehyung wants photos to be taken, he charges extra because he knows Taehyung has the money and trusts no one else to take the pictures for him

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Age: 19
Jungkook is the youngest in this soon to be big group. He's a student and wants to be a model when he's out of college. Many people have already started asking him to be under their company name, but he told them all that he wants to finish school first. However, the only reason he gets all these offers is because many modeling companies scouted him when they saw the photo shoots that happened when he was wearing Taehyung's designed clothes. He loves aesthetics and is Taehyung's fuck buddy, (we all know what that means).

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