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Jin looked at him before smiling, "I love you too," He replied, kissing him lightly.

Namjoon let out a sigh he didn't even realize he was holding in, "Oh thank god, I thought I was rushing it just now,"

"You're too much," Jin replied with a smile, squishing the other's cheeks.

"You're too cute," Namjoon replied, "I'm sorry I dragged you away from the party." He apologized.

"Oh, it's fine." Jin answered, "There was definitely a lot of people."

"My moms' planned it all out to test me," Namjoon rolled his eyes and Jin looked at him curiously. He didn't even have to ask to get an answer, "That person I went to go show the bathroom to was apparently your secret admirer, and he pushed me into a room and burnt a rose telling me that our love may be ablaze right now but just like everything that catches fire it will burn out. He said that you would be his in the end and I nearly beat him into a pulp, then my mothers walked in." Namjoon replied annoyed, "He isn't your secret admirer though."

"Really? Why did they do that?" Jin asked.

"To see if I really loved you. It doesn't really prove it, but I hope you know I do. They don't want me hurting you, since you seem so nice." Namjoon answered.

"Ohh, That's really sweet what the hec—"

The door slammed open.

"YOU BETTER NOT BE HAVING SEX," Someone yelled as they entered.

Namjoon and Jin looked over at the door.

"Jackson, what the hell?" Namjoon laughed.

Mark stood there, laughing too.

Jin was just confused.

"What? I had to yell that, because it was a 50/50 chance that you guys were fucking really quietly, but I wanted to come in. So I barged in and yelled out you better not be having sex," Jackson replied.

"We could've just left them alone, you know?" Mark rolled his eyes while laughing.

"Leave my best friend alone? Why would I ever do that? I have to bother him and be the bane of his existence." Jackson replied, "Anyways, what are you gays up to?"

"You're more gay." Namjoon replied.

"Am not." Jackson replied, "I'm not the one gay cuddling with my boyfriend."

"I give it an 70 percent chance that you and Mark made out at least once in the past hour, and an 80 percent chance you guys are going to fuck when you get home." Namjoon responded.

Jackson's mouth hung open, "So vulgar."

"You're worse than me!" Namjoon replied, offended. "If it weren't for you I would never ever curse!"

"You rap!" Jackson replied.

"So do you!"

"But I also have a job!"

"But!" Namjoon pointed out, "You aren't the one collaborating with THE Min Yoongi slash Suga slash Agust D."

"WHAT?!" Jackson practically screeched, "You? Collaborating? With Min Yoongi?!"

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