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Namjoon knocked on Jin's door, and quickly it was opened.

Namjoon checked Jin out up and down, it was innocent though. He was looking at what he was wearing.

"Perfect," Namjoon smiled at him, "I won't tell you where we're going, but it's going to be fun! I know I love doing it." He said, "Follow me."

Jin followed after him, humming happily.

He felt kind of guilty though.

Having been deeply in love with someone a few years ago and promising himself that he'd never get over it.

And here he is.

Going out on a date with his really cute neighbor.

He shook his head and lightly slapped himself.

"Huh?" Namjoon asked, looking back after hearing a slapping noise, "What was that?"

"Oh! Nothing!" Jin smiled and Namjoon opened the passenger car door for Jin. Then he went to the driver's seat and went off.

"This may seem weird, but do you want to listen to one of my mixtapes?" Namjoon asked, as he drove.

"Oh? Sure!" Jin said and Namjoon grabbed his phone, putting his finger print in and unlocking it.

"I downloaded it onto my music, so if you could plug it in and play the one called "Do You", that would be great." Namjoon said, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Of course." Jin took the phone, his fingers lightly brushing over Namjoon's as he plugged it in and searched for the song. Then he played it. (look at the photos in the beginning, the video)

By the end of the song Jin's eyes were widened.

First of all.

Mark him down as scared and horny.

He laughed to himself, and Namjoon glanced at him from the side of his view.

Jin gulped a little, that was really good.

"That was really amazing," Jin said, "It shocked me though! You never curse, but that song was definitely filled with it." He laughed.

"Oh I don't curse in real life, only when I rap." Namjoon replied truthfully.

"It really does remind me of Yoongi's raps though!" Jin said.

"I'd hope so, kind of. I want to be different, not a copy. He just inspires me." (INFIRES MAN) Namjoon said.

"Oh, Really? I like it. Oh! Can I plug in my phone? His boyfriend has a mixtape, he doesn't produce it though." Jin said.

"Yeah, go ahead I'd love to listen to it."

"Oh.. um which one?" Jin asked as he plugged in his phone.

"Whichever is your favorite." Namjoon answered.

"They're all my favorite," He replied truthfully.

Namjoon laughed, "Then all of them!"

"Okay." Jin smiled and played it.

After he played the entire mixtape (20 minutes). Then he played some other songs Hoseok had made, and smiled happily. He also played some of Yoongi's since Namjoon seemed to like him too. Then they arrived at their destination, after a long time. Sunset was going to happen soon.

"What? A beach? I'm not dressed for that!" Jin said.

"Don't worry, we're not going swimming!" Namjoon replied and got out the car, quickly running around it and opening the door for Jin.

My New Neighbor | namjin Where stories live. Discover now