1. After the failure

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Tord's POV:

It's been two months since my...incident. I feel so empty...so lonely... I can still feel the pain and guilt as I'm thinking about my old friends. I was thinking about going ba-

I was snapped out of my thoughts as someone knocked on my door.

"Come in." I said as the door opened. It was one of my soldiers from my army...well, was...since I left. His name's Patrick.

"Hey Tord! Here is your food!" He said in a happy voice and placed the food in front of me."Thank you, I appreciate it." I said and made a fake smile. He smiled back and left the room.

I looked at the food, but didn't feel hungry at all. I just felt tired...but no matter how much I sleep, I am tired...

I sighed and made my way to my bed and closed my eyes hoping to fall asleep.

After like half an hour, I was finally succes.

Tom's POV.

"Good morning Tom!" I heard Edd from the kitchen as I closed the door to his apartment.

"Morning Edd, morning Matt." I answered and sat to the table with them.

Edd invited me and Matt to his apartment for breakfast. He made some bacon and eggs.
While we were eating, I was thinking about my dream.

I know there was Tord...but he looked different...
He looked broken, half of his face was scarred and burned and his arm was seriously damaged...

He was looking at me with tears in his eyes.

Without realizing it, I shot a harpoon and it hit him in his chest. He fell down blood coming out of his body. "I'm...sorry...

Then I woke up...

Why am I having dreams about this commie bastard? And that dream was never going to happen anyways.

1. Tord is dead.

2. If he was alive, he would never come back to apologies.

3. There is no way he's coming back, because if he would, I'll shoot him with my harpoon gun.

After we ate, I stood up, thanked for the food and made my way back to my apartment.

I headed to my room and picked Susan (his bass) and started to play.

It didn't sound good. After the incident she was damaged and I didn't figured out a way to fix her. I sighed and placed her back down.

I walked into the kitchen wanting some Smirnoff...but there was no Smirnoff...(noooooooo!)

I closed the fridge. 'Guess I'll have to buy some then.' I thought, took my phone and headed to the grocery store.

Tord's POV:

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I checked the time. It was 9:12.
I sighed and got up from my bed and decided to go for a walk. I don't have any better things to do anyway.

I wrote a note for Paul and Patrick so they wouldn't be worried. They are like my parents.

I closed the door and walked by the streets.

I was just getting lost in my thoughts when I bumped into someone. "I'm sorry about that." I said getting up and helping the person to stand.

"It's alr-" We stared at each other for a while. Blue hoodie...void filled eyes...spiky brown hair...


I felt guilt washed over me. But somehow I haven't felt angry because he shot my giant robot down...or sad...just guilt...

I could see anger fill his eyes. He pinned me to the wall forcing me to look directly into his 'eyes'.

I wasn't scared, or angry, or sad...I felt nothing but pain.

"How the hell are you still alive!" He yelled at me. I still didn't show any emotions.

"I don't know." I said in a robotic voice not even realizing it.

He looked even more angry. As I was looking at him longer and longer, I started to feel something...

I started to feel sorry...

"I'm...sorry..." I said in a quiet voice. He let go off me making me fall to the ground.

"Sorry!? Sorry won't fix ANYTHING you did in the past!" He yelled at me.

I stayed silent. I wanted to cry so badly, but I couldn't. 

"You are just a waste of space, Tord. You are a worthless monster! You should be DEAD!"

Those word kinda hit me. I kept looking down.

Suddenly he kicked me in my stomach. I held my stomach quietly yelping in pain.
But somehow I didn't care what will happen to me.

I heard him sigh and he walked away right after. I watched him leave not really feeling anything...exept the pain....the pain...

Well, look who's back with a new story? I had a dream about his and I think It's a pretty good idea!

I also wanted to thank you again for making me continue. When I wrote my first story 'Heartless...' you guys really enjoyed it. And I am grateful for that.

Well, bye!

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