13. Lovely tones

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Tord's POV:

I woke up. I checked the time. It was 7:02. Oh well, maybe Edd's already awake.
I walked into the kitchen to se Matt sitting there with Edd. "Good morning, Tord!" I smiled at him. He finally said my name right. "Morning, Matt." I answered.

Edd looked at me. "Are you ready to go to the beach today?" He asked me with a warm smile. "Yeah, but I have to pack my stuff." I answered. Edd placed a plate with eggs and bacon in front of me.

"Thanks Edd." I said and smiled at him. "No problem!"
We sat there eating our breakfast when we heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it." I said and stood up. I opened the door to see Tom standing there.

"Oh, hello Tord." He said. "Hello Tom." I answered and let him in. He sat next to me and Edd placed a plate with breakfast in front of him. "Thanks." Tom said. Edd smiled at him.

"So Tom, are you ready to go to the beach?" I asked him. He looked at me. "Yeah. I still have to pack though." "Me too." I answered.

After we were done eating, Edd stood up. "So, listen. We're heading out at 14:00 so get ready!" He said and smiled at all of us. We nodded in responce and stood up as well.
Matt and Tom headed to their apartments and I walked into my room to pack my stuff.

So, we're going to the beach. Edd said we're going to be fishing, riding boats and swimming.
I took all the stuff that I need and headed to Tom's apartment.

I told Edd where am I going. He smiled at me and then he had that 'I ship it' face. I blushed a bit.

I knocked on the door from Tom's apartment. After a few seconds he opened the door.

"Oh, hey Tord. What's up?" He asked. "Oh, I just wanted to check if you need any help with packing or something." I said. "Oh. Uhh...Could you help me search for something?" He asked and looked at me.

"Sure!" I said and smiled at him. He blushed a little and let me in. "So, what are you searching for?" I asked him. "Well, remember Tommy Bear?" He paused. "That's what I'm looking for. I know it sounds childish..." He said and looked down.

He still have Tommy Bear? That's so cute! I remember when we met. We were best friends and I wanted to give him something. So I bought him Tommy Bear. He loved him. He was carrying him everywhere!

I smiled at him. "It's okay, I'll help you." I said. He looked at me and smiled back. "Thanks."
We started searching through the apartment. I was in the living room.

I looked at the couch and saw something small and brown. I picked it up. It was Tommy Bear! I smiled. It didn't look that new, but it was still him. Memories...so many memories.

I then looked at a table and saw a picture. A picture of me and Tom. Tom was hoding a ginger kitten and he was smiling. He always loved cats. Wait, is that cat...Ginger? My eyes widen.

Yes, yes it is!

I remember when I gave it to Tom. He was so happy! But, Ginger got hit by a car... I tried my best to help him and the others who were really sad. I was sad too, but I was more worried about my friends.

I smiled and wiped a small tear. "Hey Tom, I found your Tommy Bear!" I screamed at Tom. He rushed over to me. I gave him the bear and watch how he smiled and hugged him.

I chuckled. His smile faded and his 'eyes widen. He blushed a bit. "U...Umm...." He said and looked away still blushing. "Heh, It's alright Tom. I remember that I gave him to you, you dont have to be ashamed of that." I said and smiled at him.

He looked back at me and smiled back. "Thanks Tord. You're an understanding friend..." The last part of his sentense warmed me in my heart. Friend... We sat on the couch.

"Well, I guess I'll go now. I said, stood up and started walking away before Tom grabbed my arm. I looked at him. "Stay." He said. "Huh?" "Please." He let go of my arm. "Umm...okay." I said and sat back on the couch.

"Why do you want me to stay?" I asked him. He looked down. "I umm..." He said and out of nowhere he picked up his guitar. "I just made a new song on my guitar since you fixed it and...I was wondering if you wanna hear it..." He said.

"Sure!" I said and smiled at him. He took a breath and started playing. It was beautiful. After a few tones he started singing. My eyes widen. His singing was so...nice. I like his voice...

I sat there listening to Tom playing on his guitar and singing. I could feel that I'm blushing. I always loved his voice. I tried my best not to breath too loud so I wouldn't miss anything. It was so perfect...

He finished the song and he looked at me. My jaw dropped and my eyes were still wide opened.
"Umm, Tord? Are you okay?" I didn't respond. I couldn't respond. I was still playing that song in my head. I was spacing out.

Tom's POV:

Is he okay? Did he like it? Was it really that horrible? Oh no, I shouldn't have showed him! "T-Tord? Was it really that terrible?" I asked him.

He shook his head probably snapping out of his thoughts. "What? No! It was...It was beautiful... Your voice is awesome!" He said and smiled at me. "R-really?" "Yes!" He said and hugged me. My 'eyes' widen in shock.

"I love it!" He said. I smiled and hugged back. "T-thank you...nobody ever said that to me..." He pulled away. "What? Really? But, you're really talented!" He said. I blushed. "Well, I never really showed it to anyone before..." I said and looked down.

"You should share it with Edd and Matt too! You're voice is incredible!" He said. I looked back at him making me blush even more. "U-Umm...Thank you...and maybe one day I will." I answered and smiled.

He smiled back and hugged me again. I hugged back. "You should write more songs." He said. "I will." "Could you play it to me when you're done please? I would love to hear more." He said. I blushed again. "Don't worry. You will be the first one to hear it, I promise."

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