15. The "date"

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Tord's POV:

We told Matt and Edd where are we going and walked out of our hotel. It was a nice evening. When you look at the sky, you could see stars starting to set.

I took a deep breath. I'm really glad that Tom wanted to go on our da- I mean... That he wanted to spend some time with me. Heh...

There was a small restaurant and there were some small tables with chairs on the beach. We sat on them and watched the sun going down, all the colours that were on the sky and the sea. It was really relaxing.

I looked at Tom. He looked relaxed as well.

I looked deeply into his 'eyes'. Some people might just see a black endless voids, but I see the reflection of the sea sparkling in them. I could feel that I was blushing.

He then noticed I'm staring at him. He looked at me. I snapped out of my thoughts and quickly looked away blushing even more. He chuckled.

"S-sorry about that." I said. He then looked away. There was awkward silence between us. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a guitar. It didn't suprise me, but I did not expect that as well.

He started playing a really nice melody and after a while he even started singing. I love his voice. He really is talented. I was happy.

He then finished the song. "That was...beautiful... I really love your voice." I told him and smiled at him. He blushed a bit and smiled back. "Thanks." He answered and then we saw a young woman walking towards us.

I guess she was the waitress. "Hello, young men, would you like anything to eat or drink?" She asked in a cheerful voice smiling at us. Tom looked at me.

"Do you want something?" He asked. "Well, I know it souds a bit childish, but...chocolate milkshake." I said and smiled. He chuckled slightly. "Okay. One chocolate milkshake, please." He said. The waitress nodded. I could've swear that she had a smirk on her face, but whatever.

"Aren't you going to get anything?" I asked him. "Nah, I'm fine." He said and smiled at me.

I smiled back and we continued to watch the sky.

After a few minutes the waitress came back with a chocolate milkshake with...two straws? I was kinda confused. Why?

She placed in front of me. "Enjoy!" She said and winked at me and then at Tom. We looked at each other confused.

I tasted the milkshake. "This is the best milkshake I've ever had!" I said and smiled. Tom smiled at me. "Glad to hear that." "Do you want to taste?" I asked him. "Yeah, why not." He answered and put the straw in his mouth and tasted it.

"Yeah, It's good." He said. We started having a chat. We laughed. We actually had a lot in common. I wonder why we fought so often...Oh well.

We kept drinking the milkshake, but then I realized that me and Tom were drinking it at the same time. I blushed a little. Is this why the waitress winked at us? We're not dating! I mean, I maybe...maybe like him a bit, but he'll never like me THIS way.

I guess Tom noticed that too. I could see blush appear on his face. I just tried to act natural. We haven't drink the milkshake for a while, but I was starting to get thirsty again. But I guess I wasn't the only one.

I put the straw in my mouth, but then I felt something touch my nose. I realized it was Tom. Our noses were touching and we were staring in each others eyes.

We were blushing madly. But suprisingly, nobody pulled away until the milkshake was empty. We then haven't talk in a while. It was getting late, I could now see the stars much better now, the sun was already gone and it was getting dark.

"Umm, It's getting late, so we should go back home." I said in an awkward tone. "Okay..." He answered. We stood up, payed for the milkshake and started walking to our hotel. The sea caught my attention.

It was sparkling, there were stars and it was just...beautiful...almost like Tom...
I stopped walking and kept looking at the sea. I spaced out ignoring the while world. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

Tom's POV.

We started walking home when suddenly Tord stopped walking. I looked at him. He was looking at the sea. I could see the reflection of the stars sparkling in his eyes. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

I walked towards him. We stood next to each other. I was looking at the sea. It really was beautiful. Suddenly someone took my hand.

I jumped a little. I looked at my hand. It was Tord. We were holding hands. I looked at him. He was looking at the sea. I blushed. He looked so...cute. No, stop thinking!

I shook my head slightly. He would never like me like this. I was lost in my thoughts until Tord came closer to me. I looked at him and he rested his head on my shoulder.

I blushed even more. We stood there in silence until he broke it. "Let's go now." He said.

He started walking, but didn't let go of my hand.

*time skip*

We arrived at our place, he took a shower and walked into his bedroom saying goodnight.

I took a shower after him and went to sleep. I lied down on my bed and looked at the ceiling.

Today was beautiful. I really enjoyed our dat- our day we spent together. I hope he did too, even if it was a bit awkward. I sighed andclosed my eyes.

At this point I knew I like him...a lot...

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