22. Complications

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Tord's POV:

'So, I'm here...' I though to myself. I was standing in front of the hospital. I was really nervous.

I walked in. "Hello, how can I help you?" A nurse said with a smile. "I'm Tord Larsson. I'm here for my arm amputaion."

She nodded. "Follow me." She said. I followed her into a big white room. She told me to sit on a bed and take off my shirt.

I did as she said and waited for the doctor to come.
After he came, I lied down and waited.

I won't lie to you. I was scared...because of my dream...

Tom's POV:

I woke up and yawned. "Morning Tord." I said and looked next to me. But Tord wasn't there.

'Maybe he already woke up.' I thought to myself and got up. I walked into the kitchen. There was a plate with bacon and eggs on the table.

I came closer and spotted a note.
I picked it up and looked at it. It was from Tord!

Hey Tom,
I made you some breakfast to say thank you for letting me sleep with you last night.
Anyway, if you're asking where I am, I am in the hospital. I'll come back tomorrow.

I placed the note down and sighed. I hope he will be okay...
I sat down and started eating my breakfast until a heard a knock.

I got up and headed towards the door, but before I could open it Edd bursted it open and smashed it into my face.

"Tom, Tord's gone and I don't know, where he is!" Edd yelled at me. I got up.

"Uhh, he's in the hospital." I said. He ran up to me and looked me in my 'eyes'. "Are you sure?!" He said.

I pulled him away and handed him the note. He read it and then smirked. I raised an eyebrow when I realized it.

I blushed madly. "U-uhh...It's not what you think it is!" I screamed at him. "Suuuuuure." He said still with a smirk. I looked away.

Great. Now he's gonna ship me and Tord forever. "Anyways, me and Matt are going to the store. Do you want to join us?"

I shook my head. I wasn't really in the mood for this today. "I understand. We'll be back in an hour or so. Bye!" He said and left.

I sighed and walked into the living room. I sat on the couch and turned on the tv. I randomly flipped through the channels.

After a while I heard a little meow. I looked down to see Moonlight looking up at me.

I smiled and picked her up. I was petting her as she was purring.
I continued to watch the tv.

I got lost in my thoughts. I was thinking about Tord. I hope the surgery will be succes. Why do I even care?

I was getting bored. 'I need Smirnoff...'
I reached into my pocket and pulled out a bottle of Smirnoff.

I drank one bottle, then second and third until I passed out.
I then slept all day. I don't know, why.

I missed Tord...

*the next day*

I woke up by a sudden buzzing noise. It took me a while to realize it was my phone. I picked it up.

It was an unknown number.
'Oh well, it might be someone I know.' I thought and picked it up.

Tom: Hello?
???: Hello. Is this umm....Tom?
Tom: Uhh, yeah?
???: Great. So you must know Tord Larsson.

It made me think a little. What if he's some kind of stalker? Or...I don't know.

Tom: Umm, yes Why?
Hospital: We're calling from the hospital and...we have bad news...
Tom: What? What happened!? Is Tord okay!?

I was really scared. What happened to Tord?

Hospital: Before I say anything else...I'm sorry...
Tom: W-what?
Hospital: He couldn't make it...

Tears were now streaming down my face. No. No! NO! That can't be true! This isn't real!!!

Tom: No! You're lying! You've gotta be! You've just gotta!
Hospital: I'm sorry...

I started crying at this point. I fell down on my knees. I ended the call and started screaming. "TORD!!!"

It didn't take so long and Edd with Matt bursted into my apartment.
"Tom, what happened? Are you okay?" Edd asked as they ran up to me.

I looked up at him, but after a while I looked down again. "Tord...he...he couldn't make it..." I said.

I heard Edd gasped and kneeled down beside me. He pulled me into a hug. Matt joined. I hugged them back.

Even Moonlight came and sat next to me. She rested her head on my leg. She really looked worried.

We sat there crying and hugging for another ten minutes and we sat on the couch. I kept sobbing into Edd's shoulder.

"Why...why him? Why wasn't I there for him? Why couldn't I save him? Why Edd, why!?" I said. Edd patted my back.

"It's tough for all of us. He was our friend, Tom." He said.
I sobbed a few times and started thinking.

What kind of feelings I felt towards Tord? What kind of?
Then it hit me. My 'eyes' widen.

"But Edd, I miss him more than just a friend..." I said and kept looking down. Edd raised an eyebrow. "What?"

I looked at him with tears. "I freaking loved him!" I screamed and shut my 'eyes'. Their eyes widen.

"Y-you really did?" Matt asked. I nodded. We sat there in silence for another hour. Me crying, Edd and Matt conforting me...

Until my phone started buzzing...

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