19. Kitten shopping

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Tord's POV:

Today's thursday. That means that we're leaving the beach. I'm kinda upset, but I'm happy to go back...home? It's 8:19 and I'm having breakfast with Tom.

"Hey Tord." Tom said. "Yes Tom?" "Today is the last day we're here. What do you want to do?" He asked. "I don't know. Have you asked Edd?" He shook his head. Suddenly someone knocked on the door.

I stood up and opened it to see Edd and Matt. "Today we're gonna got to the mall and then for a little walk around the bach. You know, just a lazy day." He said and smiled at us. I giggled.

"Alright then, when are wem going?" "9:00?" Edd asked. I nodded and waved. He waved back and I closed the door. "We're going to the mall at 9:00 so be ready by then." I told Tom. "Okay." He simply answered and took out his phone.

*time skip*

"So, ready to go?" Edd asked us. We nodded in responce and we headed out of our hotel. The sun was shining, but somehow I knew It's not gonna be a sunny day.
In fact, I think It's gonna rain... Whatever.

We walked into the mall. "I'll go buy some mirrors!" Matt said with a smile and ran of.  Edd giggled. "I'm gonna buy some clothes. Bye guys!" He said and walked away.

"I'm just gonna look around." I said. "Me too." Tom answered. I waved at him and walked away as well. I of course looked at some magazines. Maybe even some hentai.......just maybe.

Tom's POV:

I was walking around the mall. I didn't know where to go. Then I saw something that gained my attention. Pet shop. "Kitten shopping!" I said and smiled to myself as I walked inside.

Too bad I don't have that much money. I would like to buy a kitten. But I'm still too scared... I mean, I do want a cat, but I'm worried.

I was looking at some cats. They were so cute! One of them was really cool! It was black, but there was a white spot around her eye and that eye wa blue. The other one was brown.

Then there was a kitten. It reminded me of something...or someone... It's left eye was grey, the other one was grey too, but lighter. It's right eye was also covered with some scratch. Fur was caramel and fluffy and it had a red collar.

It looked at me and made a little meow sound. It looked so cute! But why does it look so fimiliar? Wait...it reminds me of...Tord? It's fur had the same colour as Tord's hair and it's eyes were grey...

I carefully pettet it. It was shaking a little bit, but It looked like it was enjoying it.

I smiled at it. I took a photo of it. I wonder how Tord will react at this.

I walked away and looked for some more cats until I saw one that really caught my attention.

It had a blue collar with a name tag on it. 'Moonlight' was her name. Her fur was back, but her paws, her tail and some spots on her were white.

Her eyes were different. One of them was red, the other one was blue. On her chest was a white mark that looked like a moon. She looked so cute. It was the cat of my dreams...

I was petting her until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around. It was Tord. He smiled at me. He was wearing a bag. I don't know why, but I didn't really care.

"Hello Tom, I knew I would find you here!" He said and chuckled. "Yeah. Do you need something?" I asked him.

"Well, It was already five hours and Edd told me to find you. We are heading out." He said. I looked at the cat and sighed. "Okay..." I said and walked out of the shop. "Tom, tell Edd that I'll be right there!" I heard him yell.

"Okay!" I yelled back and walked towards Edd and Matt. "Hey Edd, hey Matt." I greeted them. "Hey Tom, did you enjoy it here?" Edd asked with a smile.

"Yeah. Tord's gonna be here any minute." I told them. They nodded and started chatting. I just took my phone out and checked the time. It was 13:12. 'Was I really there for five hours...?' I thought to myself.

We waited for a while until Tord came back. "I'm back, guys!" He said to us. I looked at him. "Okay. What were you doing in there?" I asked him. "Oh, nothing. Nothing at all..." He said and smiled.

"Anyways, should we go?" He asked. "Alright, let's go!" Edd said and we walked out. They were chatting and laughing, but I kept the image of the cat in my head...

"So, where should we go?" Matt asked. "I would just go in the park." Edd said. We nodded and started walking to the park. When we got there, we sat on a bench. "Tom, are you okay? You've been kinda quiet today." Tord asked me.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine. By the way, I wanted to show you something." I said and grinned. He looked at me confused. I took out my phone, opened the gallery and tapped on the Tord kitten photo. I showed it to him.

He stared at it. "It looks like you so much!" I said to him and kept on grinning. I could see a blush appear on his face. Edd and Matt looked at the photo as well. "You know, he's right." Matt said.

"It does look like you!" Edd said making Tord blush even more. "Soo cute!" Matt said. Tord just sat there staring on the phone. I shoved it back into my pocket. He shook his head.

"Anyways, we should head back home..." Tord said still blushing. We nodded in responce. We got up and suddenly heard a little meow.

"What was that?" I asked. "I think it was nothing, just some city cats." Tord said.

"I guess..." I said and we started walking into our hotel. Now the quiet one was Tord. He wasn't talking at all. I felt kinda weird, but I brushed the feeling off.

*time skip*

"So guys, pack your things and let's go!" Edd said and walked into his and Matt's place. We headed back to our place and started packing. After we were done, we headed to our car.

Edd put the keys in the ignition and we drove away. "Goodbye beach, you were a great place." Edd said and smiled. "Goodbye." Matt answered.
I rested my head on the window and slowly closed my eyes.

The last thing I saw out of the window were some storm clouds and as I was slowly drifting to sleep I could hear small drops falling down from the sky.

It was so relaxing...

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