26. Just like old times...

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Tord's POV:

It's been a week since me and Tom started dating. To celebrate it, Edd decided to go on a double date. We agreed and we're gonna go to a restaurant at 18:00.
It was 17:58. "Tom, are you ready to go?" I screamed at Tom.

He walked up to me and gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek. "I am." He said. I smiled and we walked out of our apartment. He sighed while he locked it. It made me worried a bit.

"Let's go to Edd's apartment." He said. He looked a bit...upset. I wonder why. I nodded. Right when we were about to knock on the door, Edd opened it. "Hey guys, ready to go?" He said with a smiie. Matt came behind him.

"Yeah, let's go!" I said and grabbed Tom's hand. He smiled at me and we walked out.
We were walking on the streets until we reached the restaurant. We sat to a table for four people and started chatting and talking.

But then someone came through the door... I did not notice at first, but they came up to me and greeted me. I looked up at them. It was...Paul and Patryck!

"Hello Tord!" Paul said and smiled. I smiled back. "Hey guys, what are you doing here?" I asked them. "Oh, you know. We just went out." Patryck said. I chuckled. "Yeah, me and Tom are as well. And Matt and Edd too!" I said. They looked at the guys.

"So, those are your friends, huh?" Patryck said. "Nice to meet you guys. I am Paul and this is Patryck, Tord's parents. Tord was talking about you a lot." Paul finished the sentense.

Edd smiled at them. "Nice to meet you. I am Edd, this is Matt and this is Tom. We're Tord's friends." Paul and Patryck looked at me with a smile. "Umm, Tord? Can we talk with you in private for a moment?" Paul asked.

I nodded and got up. I followed them out of the restaurant. "What is it?" I asked them. "Well, It's about the house. We finished re-building it." Patryck said. My eyes widen and I smiled at them. "That's great! Oh my, thank you so much!" I said and hugged them.

They hugged me back. "No problem." Paul said. "We're happy to help you." Patryck said. We stood there hugging for a while until I pulled away. "Well, I got to go or else guys will be worried. Thanks again and see ya!" I said and waved at them. They waved back. "Goodbye, Tord!"

I returned to my friends and the waitress came. "So, does anyone want any drinks?" She asked. "Cola!" Edd said. Me and Tom rolled our eyes. Even though his 'eyes' were black, you could see still see that.

"Just some water." Matt said. "Shampain." Me and Tom said at the same time. We looked at each other and blushed slightly. The waitress nodded and walked away.

"So Tord, what did your parents want?" Tom asked me. I looked at him. "Uhh...nothing. Nothing at all." I said. He looked at me suspicious, but said nothing. After a while the waitress came.

She put our drinks in front of us and gave us the menu.

We ordered some food and started talking. "Uhh, guys. After we eat I have to show you something." I said. "What is it?" Matt asked. "You will see..." I said.

The waitress came again and placed the food in front of us. We all ate and kept laughing and chatting. I really enjoyed the time I was spending with them.
I was really glad I had my friends...

After we ate, we payed for the food and drinks and we headed out. "So Tord, what was it you were going to show us?" Tom asked. I smiled at him. "Oh yeah! Follow me." I said and we started to walk towards our old house.

The sky was dark and it was getting late. The sun was already down and stars started to appear. It was a beautiful evening. We were almost there and Matt kept guessing what am I going to show them.

"A cool animal?" "No." "Donuts?" No, Matt." "Then maybe mirror house?" I facepalmed. "No, Matt. Just wait." I said and chuckled a bit. "Okay then." He finally gave up.

"So guys, this is it." I said when we finally reached our old house. They were looking at it with their jaws dropped and with wide eyes. "It's fixed. I wanted to somehow make it up to you, because even after what I did you still forgave me and..." I paused.

"This is it." I finished. They looked at me and we stood there in silence for a few minutes. But then, Edd hugged me. The others joined the hug.

I was kind of suprised, but managed to hug back. We pulled away.

They were all smiling at me. "Thank you Tord! I-I don't know how to thank you enough for this! I mean, like the furniture and the pictures aren't here anymore, but we can fix that." Edd said. "You forgave me. And that's enough to say thank you, Edd." I said and smiled.

"So, we will be moving here tomorrow. How's that?" Tom said with a smile on his face. God I love his smile. We all nodded in responce. "And I have to say that you don't have to worry. Another room for a giant robot is not there anymore." I said.

We all laughed at this. We started walking to our apartments talking and chatting about this and how they are thankful to me. This day was perfect and I think we all agree on that.

When we arrived, we packed our stuff and cleaned our apartments. We then gave our keys to the man in the front desk and we headed to our new/old  house. It really looked exactly the same.
I was happy and more memories came into my mind.

We unpacked our stuff and after we were done, we watched the tv. Of course it was 'The Return Of The Insane Zombie Pirates From Hell'. Edd made some popcorn and Tom turned the tv on.

"Just like old times..."

The End

Well guys, I guess this is it. The book is over. I am really happy with this book and of course with you guys. Without you, this book will I guess never exist.

So I wanted to say thank you. Thank you all for this support. I know some of you may be sad because of this, but don't worry. I will keep writing books for you guys and I hope you will always like it.

Tomorrow I will start to write a book named 'Guarding Angel' so I hope you will enjoy that book as well. It's going to be Eddsworld and TomTord again, 'cus why not.

Well, thanks again and see ya!

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