21. Good luck

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Tom's POV:

After we took Moonlight and Ringo for a walk, we wanted to watch a film in Edd's apartment.

"How about...hmm...Professor Why?" Edd said and looked at us.
"It's okay with me." Tom said. I nodded.

We sat on the couch. Tom took Moonlight and kept petting her until she fell asleep.

It was friday evening. It was already dark outside. Me and Edd were chatting. But Tord was oddly quiet.

"Hey Tord." I said he didn't answer. "Tord!" I said again. He looked at me. "Y-yeah?" He answered.

"Are you alright? You are oddly quiet." I said and looked at him worried.

He sighed and looked down. "Did you forget? Tomorrow's saturday..." He said. "What?" I said confused.

He looked at me. "My surgery...is tomorrow..." He answered and started shaking a bit. My 'eyes' widen. He's right!

Edd and I looked looked at him worried. "I'm so sorry, Tord." I said. "We will think about you." Edd said and put his hand on his shoulder.

He started shaking. We couldn't stand to see him like this so we pulled him into a hug.

"It's gonna be alright Tord. We will come visit you in the hospital if you want." I said as we pulled away and smiled at him.

He weakly smiled back and thanked us. It was late so we decided to go to bed. I left Edd's place and walked into mine.

I hope the best for you, Tord...

Tord's POV:

I woke up pretty early. I had a nightmare... It really creeped me out.
I was on the mountain with pieces of my giant robot behind me.

I turned around when I heard footsteps. It was Tom, Edd and Matt...
They looked at my arm and glared at me.

I looked at them confused. I looked at my arm and gasped. It was a...robotic arm...

Tears were starting to form in my eyes. But it smelled...weird... I touched my left eye with my healthy arm.

It was...oil!? Suddenly without any warnings oil poured out of my mouth as well. I fell to the ground trying to breathe.

Tom walked towards me. I looked up at him. I expected him to help me, but he looked angry.

"Thomas....please....h-help me..." I said and coughed a few times. "Hah! Why should I? I don't give a shit what happens to you!"

Those words hurt like someone stabbed me in my chest with a harpoon. I looked down to see it was true.

I was feeling dizzy. It hurt...a lot.
"T-Tom..." I said and looked at him through my blurry vision.

"I'm..sorry...." Was all I said before falling into an endless void which woke me up.

I was now really scared. I crawled out of my bed and quietly left Edd's apartment making my way to Tom's.

Once I walked in, I walked straight to his room. I knocked on his door.
"T-Tom..?" I said.

I heard someone groan inside. I heard footsteps. He opemed the door and looked at me with tired 'eyes'.

"Tord? What are you doing here so early? It's 2 am!" He said. "I-I had a nightmare....and I know this sounds weird, but..." I paused.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" I finished the sentense. I could feel my cheeks heat up a bit.

He looked at me with a worried look and smiled at me. "Okay." He said and let me in his room.

We lied down on his bed and stared at each other's eyes for a while. I yawned and smiled at him. "Thank you Tom."

He blushed a bit, but smiled back. "You're welcome." He answered and closed his 'eyes'. I closed them as well getting ready to sleep.

Suddenly I felt some warm arms wrap around me. I opened my eyes to see Tom looking at me with a warm and calming smile.

"Goodnight Tordie." He said. "Goodnight Tommie." I answered and we both fell asleep cuddled to each other that night.

*time skip*

I woke up. I saw something next to me. My vision became clear. It was Tom. I remembered what happened and blushed.

I checked the time. 7:43. I sighed when I remembered the surgery. I carefully got up.

I need to be in the hospital as soon as possible. I made some breakfast and left some for Tom.

I wrote a note that I'm going to the hospital and that I'll be back tomorrow. I left the note on the table and with that I left the apartment.

God, I will miss you guys...

Hey guys! Guess who's back!
I am so happy to continue even though I wasn't gone for too long.

Anyways, I'm sorry for this short chapter, but I'm tired from the surgery.

Today I returned from the hospital so please forgive me
Well, It's great to be back guys.

So goodbye!

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