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Edd's POV:

"Matt, we're home!" I screamed at Matt who was still sitting in the car. "Oh, okay!" He answered and got out. I locked the car and headed to our apartments.

I saw Tom coming out of his apartment. I waved and smiled at him. He waved back and walked towards me. "Hey Edd." he said. "Hello Tom! Where is Tord?" I asked him.

His eyes widen. Wait, are thay even eyes? Whatever.

"Umm...." He said and looked down. "Tom, where is he?" I said looking at him with a serious look. "Do you mean Todd? He is back?" Matt asked slightly confused. I nodded.

"Tom. Where. Is. Tord?" I asked him again. What if he hurt him? "What happened while we weren't here, Tom?" He looked at me.

"Well, do you remember our neighboures?" He asked me. My eyes widen. "You mean...Eduaaaaaardoooo?" He nodded.
"Well, he found Tord and he kidnapped him. I saved him like hour ago. He's sleeping on my couch..."

I was staring at him with a shocked expression which quickly turned into a worry. "Is he okay?" I asked him. "Yes, just his arm is a bit injured..." He said while looking down again.

"Can we see him?" I asked him. He nodded and we followed him into his apartment. We saw Tord lying on the couch, his eyes were shut and his arm was bandaged.
I gasped. "I tried to help him as much as I could. He just needs rest." Tom said.

"Since when do you care about him?" I asked him with a little smile on my face. "W-what?" He asked me. He was blushing a little. I smirked at him.

"L-let's just say that I forgave him..." He said and looked away still blushing. I chuckled.

Suddenly we heard a groan coming from Tord. We all looked at him. His eyes were slowly opening.

Tord's POV:

I opened my eyes tiredly. I saw three figures standing in front of me. My vision became clear. It was Edd, Matt and Tom! My eyes were now fully opened.

"G-guys?" I asked them. "Tord!" Edd said and smiled at me. I carefully sat up and carefully rubbed my eyes. "What happened?"

"Well, you were kidnapped by Eduardo...remember?" Tom answered. Memories came into my mind. I remembered everything. "Oh, yeah..." I said and put my hand on my left arm. It hurt.
"Thanks for saving me, Tom..." I said looking down.

"No problem." He smiled at me. "Well, I don't think we will go to the beach today. We will go tomorrow, alright?" Edd said. We all nodded.

They walked into the kitchen. I slowly got up and followed them. "Hey, you baked cookies!" Edd said looking at Tom. "Actually, I baked them with Tord." He said. Edd gave him a smirk face. "Cute." Tom glared at him while Edd had that 'I ship it' look.

I walked next to Tom who was a blushing mess. I chuckled. He looked cute.
"Well, I'm gonna help Matt unpack his stuff so I'll leave you too alone, bye!" Edd said as he walked with Matt out of the apartment closing the door behind him.

Me and Tom just stood there in an awkward silence. "So, uhh...." Tom broke the silence. "Uhh, do you wanna do something?" I asked him. "Like what?" "I don't know, I would like to go for a walk, but since that.....thing with Eduardo I'm not quite sure." I answered.

"Oh, uhh...I can go with you if you want me to..." He said and looked away. Even though he was hiding his face, I could see blush appearing on his face.

"O-okay...So, right now?" He looked at me. "Okay." He answered and we walked out of the apartment.

"So, uhh, where should we go?" He asked me. I started to think. "Well, I remember a place where I ended up after that...robot incident... It was kinda nice. Except for the pain..." I mumbled the last part.

"Okay... Let's go." He said. I smiled at him and grabbed his hand. We walked in silence. But it was relaxing. I don't know, why, but I felt happy and...safe when I was around Tom. I kept smiling. I took a deep breath.

*time skip*

We walked up to the mountain. There were still some pieces of my giant robot. My smile faded when I saw them. Then I saw a harpoon. Tears were forming in my eyes. I started sobbing.

"Tord, what's wrong?" Tom asked me with a worried look. I looked at him in his 'eyes'. I couldn't see very well through the tears. "I-I'm fine, just...I remembered what have I done..." I said and let go of his hand. I walked towards my giant robot's head.

There was still the harpoon. Memories came back to me...


I Am Not. Your. Friend! Tom said as he shot with a gigantic harpoon gun my robot making a big explosion. I was in shock.

I survived. I pushed some of the parts of I giant robot of me and stood up. I held my arm in pain. I looked down at Tom, Edd and Matt while they were walking away from their destroyed house making their way to who knows where.


*End of Flaaaaaaaashbaaaaaaack*

Tears were rolling down my cheeks. "Tord..." Tom put his hand on my shouldr and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back. I was sobbing on his shoulder.

"T-Tom...I'm so s-sorry!" "Shh. It's okay. I forgive you." I smiled at him. "Thank you..." We stood there hugging each other for some minutes.

We pulled away. We sat on the grass next to each other enjoying the view on the city. It was getting late. There were a lot of colours in the sky. You could see some stars setting on the sky.

We sat there for a while enjoying the silence. I was starting to feel sleepy. My vision was fading away until I saw nothing.

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