10. Kidnapped

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Tord's POV:

I woke up in an unknown place. Where am I? Wait....is this...Tom's room? What am I doing here? I rubbed my eyes this time more carefully and turned around on the bed to face Tom.

I blushed. I was looking at him for like 30 seconds. He's cute...wait, what? I shook my head and got off the bed as quietly as possible since I didn't want to wake him up.

I closed the door and made my way to the kitchen. I saw a bowl full of our homemade cookies. I took one and then I decided to go for a short walk to wake me up.
I left the apartment and walked out.

It was nice outside. It wasn't really cold, but it wasn't warm neither. I took a deep breath. I love the air. I started walking to the park since I wanted to relax. I sat under a big tree and closed my eyes.

It was relaxing. I'm glad that I have some time alone. I mean, of course. I love to spend time with the guys, but sometimes I just need some time alone.

I sat there for a while with closed and relaxed eyes. I decided to go back. I got up and walked past some allyways. I thought I saw someone in one of them. I looked there, but nothing. I sighed and continued walking.

I suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind me. I turned around. There was nobody. 'Okay, this is strange.' I thought to myself. I turned back and started walking again this time I payed attention to the sounds.

But then I heard nothing. I stopped thinking about it nd started to get relaxed again. But then someone put his hand on my mouth with some kind of towel or something. Everything was starting to get blurry.

I could feel myself fainting. My vision was starting to get black until I saw nothing...

Tom's POV:

I woke up and rubbed my 'eyes'. I looked over at Tord, but he wasn't there. I raised my eyebrow, but then I thought that he probably already got up.

I stood up and made my way to the kitchen. Nobody was there. I checked the living room. No sign of Tord. I started to get a little nervous. I checked the bathroom, but nothing.

'Okay, calm down, he's probably at Edd's or something. They said they will return at 8 am, right?' I thought to myself and checked the time. ...But It was 6:39... At this time I panicked. What if he he wanted to take over the world again?

Or maybe something bad happened to him... I decided to text him just to make sure he's okay. He always answeres. And he will this time too...right?

I texted him asking if he's okay. I waited a minute, two minutes, five minutes, ten minutes, but nothing. I kept checking it.

I was really panicking at this point. I was walking in circles over and over again until I heard my phone buzzing. 'Sunshine Lollipops And Rainbows...' It's Tord...

I picked it up.
Tom: Tord? Where are you? Are you okay?
Tord: He's not okay...
Tom: What...? Who are you? And what did you do to Tord!?
???: Let's just say that my name is...Numero Uno!
Tom: ...Eduardo?!
Eduardo: Hello, Thomas.

I was in shock. I wasn't really thinking about our neighbors ever since the incident. But where is Tord?

Tom: Give. Tord. Back.
Eduardo: Or...?
Tom: Uhh... Well, what do you want for him!?
Eduardo: I want to get revenge. He killed Jon and blew up our house. Death for death.
Tom: Let him go, now!
Eduardo: Hmm... I'll think about it...no! But I'll give you a chance to talk to him.

I was in pure rage and fear. I was worried about Tord. But maybe Tord knows where they are!

Tom: Okay... Let me talk to him, please...
Eduardo: Alright then...

I waited for a few seconds.

Tord: Tom...?
Tom: Tord! You're okay! Thank godness!
Tord: Tom...help me... I'm scared...
Tom: Do you know, where are you?
Tord: Yes. You know the big room where I had my giant robot back then?
Tom: Uhh.....yes...?
Tord: That room still survived the explosion and that's where I am...

He said that in a quiet tone. I guess It's because he didn't wanted Eduardo to hear it.

Tom: Okay. I'm going over there right now just.....please stay safe...
Tord: I'll try...

I ended the call. I rushed out of the door not even bothering to close it and rushed over to our destroyed house. It looked exactly the same.

I ran in the room and peeked in quietly. I saw Tord tied to a chair. He was crying and kept saying sorry over and over again. Eduardo stood there in front of him.

I could feel my blood boil. I sneaked behind him. Tord noticed me, but pretended he didn't see anything. That was my chance. I punched Eduardo in his head knocking him down. He wasn't moving, but he was breathing.

"Tord, are you okay?" I said and rushed over to Tord. There were tears still falling down his face. He smiled at me weakly. "I'm fine now..." I looked at him with a worried look. I then looked at his arm and gasped.

There was a deep and big cut. Drops of blood were rolling down his arm. I put my hand on my mouth and the I hugged him. "It's alright, Tom..." He said trying to calm me down.

I pulled away and untied him from the chair. He tried to stand up, but screamed in pain. He fell down. He looked really tired and hurt. I sighed and picked him up bridal style.

He looked up at me and smiled at me. "Thank you..." He said and closed his eyes.

I smiled at him and started walking home. He fell asleep and kept smiling weakly. That made me happy.

We arrived at our apartment and I put him down on the couch and ran into the bathroom. I took some bandages and made my way back. He was still sleeping.
I sat next to him and carefully took his arm.

It maybe stopped bleeding, but it still didn't look good. I started to bandage it. He was snoring like a little kitten. That's so cute...Wait, stop thinking that way Tom! I thought to myself and I blushed.

After I was done, I put back the bandages and checked the time. It was 7:54. Edd should be here any minute. Then I heard a car outside. I looked out of the window to see Edd's car.

I smiled and left my apartment. I didn't want to wake Tord up. All he needed now is a rest.

Emotionless... (TomTord)Where stories live. Discover now