14. The beach

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Tord's POV:

I headed back to Edd's apartment. "Hey Tord! Are you ready?" Edd asked me with a smile. I smiled back. "Yeah." I answered and checked the time. It was 13:02.

"And for how long we're going to stay there?" I asked him and sat on a couch. He sat next to me and took a cola can out of nowhere. "For three days. I hope It's okay with you." He said and looked at my arm.

"Oh, It's alright, but I will have to take a surgery this week. Today's tuesday and my surgery is on saturday, so. It's fine." I said.

He smiled at me and turned on the tv. He flipped through some random channels. I pulled out my phone and my headphones. I was listening to some songs slowly drifting off to sleep.

*time skip*

"Tord, wake up!" I heard someone yelling at me and shaking me. "What? What?" I opened my eyes to see Edd shaking me. "It's 13:49, Tord, we're heading to the beach!" He said and smiled at me.

"Oh, okay." I sat and got up. I walked into my room and took my stuff. I then followed Edd to his car and we waited outside for Tom and Matt to come.

They came after a few minutes later. "Hey guys!" Edd said. "Hey." Tom said and opened the door of Edd's car. I followed him. Me and Tom sat in the back, Matt and Edd sat in the front. Edd was driving since Matt tried once, but accidently crushed it.

I pulled my headphones with my phone and started to listen to some songs. After a while I started drifting off to sleep again. I was listening to Drowning World. That song kinda described my life.

My eyes begun to close. I lied my head on the window and with the view of passing houses slowly falling asleep.

Tom's POV:

I was looking out of the window. I didn't really know what to do. Edd and Matt were chatting in the front. I looked at Tord to see him sleeping. He looked cute... I smiled and continued to look out of the window.

*time skip*

"We're here!" Edd suddenly said and got out of the car. I looked at Tord he was still sleeping. "Tord." I said. Nothing. Well, he had headphones. I shook him. "Tord." I said, but a bit louder.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. He took his headphones off. "What is it?" "We're here." I told him and got out of the car. Tord did the same thing.
"Grab your stuff and follow me!" Edd said and smiled at us. We nodded and followed him.

It was 15:21. We made our way to our hotel. It wasn't a big hotel, but It was enough.
"Okay guys, we're going to share rooms. I'm going to be with Matt, Tom's going to be with Tord." Edd said. "See ya!" Matt said and they both walked into their places.

Our place was next to their. I opened the door. It was nice. There was a balcony with the view on the sea. There were two bedrooms, a kitchen, a small bathroom and a living room.

"Which room do you want?" I asked him. "I don't really care." He answered. "Well, I'm going to be in this one." I said and walked into my room which was closer to the living room. "Okay." I heard him say before I closed the door.

I unpacked my stuff and took my phone. It was 15:40. I walked back into the living room. Tord was there looking out of the balcony. His hair was blowing in the wind and I could tell that he felt relaxed.

I could see the sky in his eyes. My 'eyes' widen and I could feel my cheeks heat up. I was staring at him I spaced out a little. He looked so...beautiful....what am I even thinking about?

He then noticed I'm staring at him. "Umm...Tom? Are you okay?" He asked me. I shook my head snapping from my trance. "Y-yes, sorry." I blushed a little.

He giggled which made me blush even more. "Do you want to do something?" He asked. "Like what?" "I don't know, maybe we should just head to the beack. It's really nice evening." He answered.

"Well, It's okay with me. Let's go tell Matt and Edd." I started to walk away to Edd and Matt, but Tord stopped me. I looked at him with a questioning look.

"Umm, I meant like..." He paused and looked away. I noticed that he's blushing, but why..?

"...alone." He said making me blush too. He looked at me and noticed my face. "Uh, if you don't want to go, It's okay with me!"

"No, I'm not saying that, it just...suprised me. Let's go. But let's tell Edd and Matt where are we heading." I said. He nodded and followed me into their place.

I'm gonna be alone...with him... This is gonna be interesting...

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