25. Suprise part 2.

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Tord's POV:

It was 12:30 and I was about to leave the apartment. I hugged Tom and made my way out.

It was a nice weather outside. I started walking, passing by few allyways to my parents house.

I sighed and knocked on the door. Patryck opened it. As he saw me, he smiled and hugged me tight.

"Tord, you're back!" He said. I smiled and hugged back.

"Sure I am." I answered and pulled away. I entered the house. I walked into the kitchen to see Paul sitting there.

He waved at me with a smile. "Welcome back!" He said. I sat next to him.

"So, how were you?" Patryck asked me. "Fine. Actually more than just fine. I finally git my emotions back!" I said and smiled.

"That's great!" Paul said. "Well, you told me that you wanted to talk abou something, right?" He said. I nodded.

"Yes. I need...your help. I am frineds with Edd, Matt and Tom again. They forgave me, but I can't help but feel the guilt..." I paused for a while.

"So I was wondering how can I make it up to them. I got an idea about
re-building their house...but I can't do it alone..." I finished my sentense and looked at them.

There was silence in the room. "We can help you, Tord." Paul said. "We know how much you care about them." Patryck finished.

"R-really?" I said. They nodded. I smiled ear to ear and hugged them both tightly.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" I screamed. I was really happy.

I pulled away still smiling like a kid. "So, where is the house of their?" Patryck said.

"Follow me." I said and we all walked out of the house closing the door behind us.

I walked them to our house...which I destroyed. As I saw it a wave of guilt washed over me as I sighed.

"Are you okay, Tord?" Paul asked. I looked at him and nodded. "So, this is the house, huh?" Patryck said.

"Yes, the one that I destroyed..." I said and looked down. Paul placed a hand on my shoulder.

"It's gonna be alright, I promise." He said. I looked at him and tried to smile. "Thank you."

After some minutes we walked back home. They said that it would take around a week until they will fix it.

I also noticed something in the house...a harpoon gun. I took it with me.

We were chatting for another hour and then I decided to fo home.
I said goodbye to them and with the harpoon gun made my way back home.

Tom's POV:

I was sitting on the couch watching tv until I heard a knock. I stood up and opened it.

It was Tord! I wanted to hug him when I noticed something in his hands.

"My harpoon gun!" I said. He handed it over to me. "How did...when did..." Was all I said.

"Let's just say that I was at our old house..." Tord said.
I looked at him with a questioning look.

"Why were you there? I thought you went out to visit your parents." I asked him.

He stayed silent. "U-uhh, we took a short walk around the town and I just...saw it." He said and smiled.

I looked at my harpoon gun and back at Tord. I chuckled, laid down my harpoon gun and hugged him. He hugged me back.

When we pulled away, I put my harpoon gun in my bedroom and sat with Tord on the couch.

He picked Moonlight up and we both started petting her as she was purring with pleasure.

We turned on the tv and watched the show 'The Cats'. Moonlight kept meowing at those cats in the tv while we were giggling.

We then turned on a horror movie. Moonlight fell asleep on the couch and Tord was cuddled to me.

It didn't take so long and the first jumpscare appered on the screen. We both screamed in terror and we hugged each other.

We looked eack other in the eyes and chuckled a little. We continued to watch the movie.

Soon another jumpscare to our face as we both screamed. We then started laughing.

After we both calmed down he smirked at me. I looked at him with a questioning look. He then jumped on top of me pinning me to the couch.

I was looking up at him blushing madly. He moved him face closer to me and kissed me.

I was suprised, but kissed back. We were both enjoying this moment. We pulled away and he helped me back up.

We were still blushing. I turned off the tv and we both decided to go to bed. We walked into the bedroom.

We both crawled in the bed looking at each other's eyes for a while when I started to feel sleepy.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. He kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight Tommie." He said and yawned. I smiled at him and cuddled to him. "Goodnight Tordie."

Hey guys, It's me! I just wanted to thank you all so much for the support.

Sadly, this book is already coming to an end. I'm planning once againg a new book.

It's called 'Guarding Angel'. I already drew the cover to this book so, yeah.

Welp, that's all I got to say so, bye!!!

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