9. Baking together

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Tord's POV:

 "Okay, is everything ready?" I asked. "Yeah." He answered. "So, this is what we gotta do. Be careful not to accidentaly set the kitchen on fire." I said and tried to look as serious as I could. Tom chuckled slightly making my cheeks heat up a bit.

We started baking. It was kinda fun. But I was just glad that I could spend some time with Tom. I'm really happy for that. "Hey Tom, could you please add some flour?" I asked him. "Sure." He answered and took the flour.

He added some into the bowl. "Well, that's enough." I said as he stopped. Suddenly I heard my phone buzzing. "I'll be right back." I said and ran into the living room. I checked my phone. It was a message from Edd.

I opened it.

Edd: Hey Tord, I just wanted to let you know that I'm staying with Matt's parents until tomorrow. We will be back around 8 am.

Tord: Alright, thanks for telling me. Bye!

Edd: Bye!

I walked back into the kitchen. Tom looked at me. I shoved my phone in my pocket. Tom walked towards me, he still had flour in his hands. "What was i-" He then accidently stumbled and fell on top of me flour all over us.

We blushed madly as we were staring at each other's eyes. He then got off me. "I-I'm so sorry!" He said still blushing. "I-It's alright..." I answered as he stood up and reached a hnd for me.

I accepted it and he helped me up. We stared at each other in silence. There was flour all over us. He then smiled and chuckled. I smiled back with a REAL smile and we began laughing of how stupid we look. After a while we stopped.

I then realized something. I felt...happy, but...I felt something else too...What is that feeling? I put my hand on my heart. It was beating faster... Oh shit, do I.......

Do I like him?

Tom's POV:

After we stopped laughing, I looked at Tord. He looked shocked. "Umm, Tord?" He didn't answer, but he put his hand on his heart... Why? I looked at him confused.

His eyes were wide opened. "Tord?" Still no answer. "Tord!" I raised my voice. "W-what?" He looked at me confused. Even through the flour on his face, I could tell that he...blushed?

"Are you okay? You spaced out for a while." I answered his question. "Oh...sorry about that..." He said and looked down. "It's okay. Anyways, did you got a message or something?" "Oh yeah. Edd told me that he is going to return tomorrow."

"Oh. Okay then. Let's continue baking, we'll clean this mess later." I said and looked at the flour all over the floor. He nodded and we continued baking.

*time skip*

"Okay, we're all done!" Tord said as he put the cookies in the oven. "Alright, now let's clean this mess." I said. He nodded in responce and we started cleaning. I looked at him. He was blushing. He was probably thinking about what happened.

I blushed and looked away. After we were done, I made my way to the living room and turned the tv on. Tord stayed in the kitchen.

 I randomly flipped through the channels until Tord shoved me something in my mouth from behind. I blushed and then realized it was a cookie. It tasted good. I smiled and looked at Tord. "They're amazing!" I said and smiled at him.

He blushed lightly and smiled back. "I agree." He said and sat next to me. I kept flipping through the channels until I saw 'The Cats'. I smiled and started watching it. I actually really liket cats. I know It's weird, but someday I will go Kitten Shopping!

I kept watching until Tord moved closer to me. I didn't really care. He moved even closer. This made me to look at him. He quickly looked away. I looked back at the tv.

He moved even more closer to me. This time I just couldn't take it anymore. I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him close to me. He blushed and looked at me. I looked back and smiled.

"You know Tom, I actually enjoyed spending time with you." He said. "Me too." We went silent for a while until he wrapped his arms around me. "...Thank you.......you made me feel some happiness again. I can finally feel something........thank you..." He said. I blushed.

I did it. I really did it. I made Tord happy again. I hoped that I could help him, I knew I could.

I  wrapped my other arm around him as well. "You're welcome..." I said and smiled.

We stayed in this position until I heard soft snores. I carefully pulled away to see Tord sleeping. I smiled and gently picked him up bridal style. I carried him into my room on my bed. I carefully placed him down and smiled.

I patted his soft hair and quietly walked out of the room closing the door behind me. I was really happy. Happy for Tord. I was smiling to myself as I sat back on the couch. I got lost in my thoughts a bit.

I imagined Tord sleeping in my bed smiling from his sleep. I blushed. I then realized and shook my head. I don't like him! Well...I do, but...not like this! I said to myself.

I then placed my hand on my heart and it was beating faster then it should be. My 'eyes' widen and I blushed lightly.

Do I really like him...?

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