8. Pain and adventures

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Tord's POV:

I woke up and rubbed my eyes immedatly regretted it. My right eye started to bleed."Shit." I said and ran into the bathroom. Blood was dripping from my eye. It burned.

After a while the bleeding stopped. I sighed and looked at my face in the mirror.

I put my injured arm on my eye ignoring the pain that just shot me in it. Suddenly I heard footsteps.

I turned my head to see Edd. "Good morning Tord!" He said in a cheerful voice. "Morning Edd. Do you have an bandages?" "Of course." He answered and opened the cabinet.

"What happened to your eye?" He asked as he took the bandages and looked at me worried. "I don't know, it just burns..." I answered. "Here, let me help you bandage it up. And that were at it, we could bandage your right side of the face."

I sat there while he was carefully bandaging my face when we heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" Edd yelled and the door opened. There stood Tom. "Hey Edd. Hey Tor-" He stopped when he saw what was happening.

"Hey Tom! I'm just helping Tord to bandage his face. He woke up and his eye was bleeding." Edd answered and continued.

"Oh, are you alright?" Tom asked. I wanted to give him a thumbs up, but I forgot the pain in my arm. "Ow!" I screamed when I moved it. They gave me a worried look. I just sighed.

"I'm going to take a surgery with my arm..." Their eyes widen. "What? When?" Edd asked. "Next week. They're going to take it off and replace it with a robotic one." I answered and looked down.

I ignored the world when I snapped out off my thoughts by Edd hugging me. Since my arm hurt so much, I didn't hug back.

We pulled away and Edd continued to bandage my face. "So Tom, why are you even here in the first place?" Edd asked to broke the silence. "Well, I was thinking. Since Tord is back, what about we'll do some adventures together?" Tom said.

"Just like old times..." I mumbled under my breath and looked down. "I think that's a good idea, Tom! But where should we go?" There was silence between us.

My phone suddenly rang. "Sorry guys, I'll take it outside." I said and stood up. I walked into the living room. It was Paul!

Tord: Hello?

Paul: Hey Tord! So, how are you doing since we left?

Tord: Umm...Fine...Actually, better that I've expected.

Paul: Hmm? What happened?

Tord: Well, my old friends found me and...now I'm with them.

Paul: Really? Aww, that's wonderful! Well, gotta go! Bye!

Tord: Bye. Say hi to Patrick.

Paul: I will, bye!

I ended the call. Wow, I almost forget about them. Heh. I walked back into the bathroom.

"Ah! That's a good idea, Tom!" I heard Edd say. "I'm back." I said.

They looked at me and Edd smiled. "Tom's got an idea where should we go!" He said with exitment. "Where?" I asked him.

"We should go fishing and spend some nights on the beach!" Edd said a wide smile on his face.

"I think that's a good idea." I answered. "So, when are we going?" "Tomorrow?" He asked and looked at me and Tom.

"Alright." "Fine with me." Edd was really happy. "Yay! Well, now I have to go. I have to go for Matt." He said as he stood up.

"Oh, okay." "Bye Edd." We said before he walked out. I made my way out as well and Tom followed behind.

Tom's POV:

Alright, so I'm gonna be alone with Tord, huh. Well, this will be interesting. We waved Edd goodbye before he started the car and drove away.

Me and Tord walked back inside. Tord sat on the couch in Edd's apartment. He was staring at the black screen on the tv. He looked so...lifeless...

I don't even know why, but I walked inside and sat next to him. I guess I didn't want to leave him alone, huh.

I looked at him. His face was bandaged up and he was holding his right arm while still staring at nothing. "Hey Tord." He looked at me. "Yes?"

I could feel my face heat up slightly. "U-Umm..." I tried to talk, but nothing came out.

"Do you...want to do something so we wouldn't die of boredom?" I asked him. "Like what?" He asked me, but his expression on his face didn't really change. He still looked broken.

"I don't know, is there anything you want to do?" I asked him. It was silent for a while.

"Well, maybe we could bake something? Like cookies?" "Yeah sure, why not.

We got up and made our way to the kitchen. Tord started searching in the cupboards until he found a recipe. "Got it." He said.

He named the ingedients and all that we need.

Well, this will be interesting.

Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter, but I'm quite in a hurry today. I will try to make a longer one tomorrow. Bye!

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